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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

g6 board of trustees [December rr Pantagraph Printing and Stationery Company, Bloomington, Illinois N o quotation Jefferson Printing Company, Springfield, Illinois N o quotation The above amounts are based on unit prices as applied to last year's Register. The Purchasing Agent, the Director of the University Press, and the Comptroller recommend that the contract be awarded to the Rogers Printing Company of Dixon, the low bidder. I concur. O n motion of M r . Trees, this award was m a d e to the low bidder as recommended. PORTRAIT OF DEAN THOMAS ARKLE CLARK (15) A year and a half or so ago, a group of students and members of the faculty organized a committee to raise funds for a portrait of Dean Thomas Arkle Clark. Funds were raised and the portrait was painted by Mr. Charles W . Hawthorne. The portrait is now offered the Board by the following letter. Urbana, Illinois, December 5, 1928 President David Kinky, 355 Administration Building Dear Mr. President: For the committee in charge of the portrait of Dean Clark, painted by Mr. Charles W . Hawthorne, I am very glad, through you, to present to the Board of Trustees of the University this portrait which has been made possible by the generosity of students and friends of Dean Clark. Very truly yours, La Force Bailey I recommend that the portrait be accepted. O n motion of M r . Trees, this portrait was accepted. LEASE, AMERICAN CAN COMPANY (16) A recommendation from Dean Mumford, in which I concur, that wc renew a lease with the American Can Company for the use of a closing machine and change parts, at a rental of $1.00 a year, pins an insurance fee of $I4._ O n motion of M r . Trees, the renewal of this lease was authorized. A t this point, Dr. Noble took his place with the Board, and the Executive Committee adjourned. SECOND SESSION, DECEMBER 11, 1928 When the Board convened after the recess on December 11, 1928, the same persons were present as before, and Dr. W . L. Noble was present. MINUTES APPROVED T h e Secretary presented the minutes of the meeting of November 16, 1928. O n motion of M r s . Grigsby, the minutes were approved as printed on pages JJ to 89 above. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION EMPLOYEES O n recommendation of President Kinley, and on motion of M r . Trees, the Board approved the proposal of the Athletic Association to extend the University's plan of compensation for accidents, retiring allowances, and death benefits, to its staff of employees, at its expense. MILITARY TRAINING President Armstrong presented for M r . Barr the following recommendation:
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