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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
86 board of trustees [November 16 Your Committee recommends that, as a general standard, the area of visible canvas be limited to fourteen square feet unless, because of special circumstances, the Board seesfitto change the ruling. Such a regulation would prevent any paintings being made of larger size without permission from the Board. The policy now being followed in the locating of portraits is to hang the Presidents' portraits in the Library and a l others in rooms of the College l or Department with which the person's teaching has been most closely affiliated. W e recommend that this policy be adopted. Under this ruling Director Huff's portrait would hang in the N e w Gymnasium but until the north wing i built there i no really suitable room for s s it. In the interim we recommend that i be hung in the corridor leading south t from the north entrance of the N e w Library Building. Mary E. Busey, Chairman Anna W . Ickes Helen M. Grigsby Laura B. Evans O n motion of Mrs. Busey, this report w a s adopted. APPROPRIATION FOR ALUMNI NEWS O n motion of M r . Barr, the action of the Board in appropriating $3,000 for the Alumni N e w s (October 13, 1928, page 59) w a s rescinded. M r . Barr presented the following report of the Committee on Alumni. The Committee on Alumni held a meeting in Chicago November 16, 1928. Present, George A. Barr and Mrs. Busey. Mr. Barr called to the attention of the committee the fact that the language of the report of this committee recommending to the Board of Trustees the appropriation of $3,000 for the Alumni Neivs, which recommendation was adopted at the meeting of the Board held October 13, did not state the exact purpose intended. It was intended that the money might be used in the general improvement of the publication and not simply to change the publication from a monthly to a weekly publication. Your committee therefore recommends that an appropriation of $3,000 be made toward the expense of the improvement of the Alumni News. George A. Barr Mary E. Busey O n motion of Mr. Barr, this appropriation was made, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Barr, Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Grigsby, Mrs. Ickes, Mr. Trees; no, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Dr. Noble, Mr. Small, Mr. Ward. LETTER FROM CYRUS McCORMICK, JR. President Kinley read the following letter from Mr. Cyrus McCormick, Jr., handed to him in the Board meeting: November 16, 1928 To the President and Trustees of the University of Illinois: Referring to our very interesting discussion of this morning, I take the liberty of suggesting the appointment of a committee from your Board to meet with a committee from the Board of Trustees of the Behavior Research Fund and a committee representing the University of Chicago. It would be the duty of this joint committee to discuss and report back to their parent Boards the feasibility or the contrary of any possible plan of joint cooperation. I suggest that the invitations for any such meeting should be issued in the name of the Behavior Research Fund.
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