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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

74 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 26 C H A N G E OF N A M E O F JAMES J O H N W O L F S O N (17) I report for record a legal change in the name of James John Wolf son, who was appointed under that name as an Assistant i the Department of Psyn chology, to James Wolfson Lechay. This report was received for record. HEARING FOR DR. ADLER (18) A report that Dr. Adler had written that he would be unable to be present at the meeting today. O n motion of Dr. Noble, the President of the University w a s requested to inform D r . Adler of the date of the next meeting in Chicago. REPORT ON AUTOMOBILE PERMITS (19) In accordance with the request of the Board at the September meeting, I submit a report on the number of permits to operate automobiles granted for the first semester, 1928-29: Driving for or with the family 310 T o use in earning a living 122 Driving to or from classes for those who live at a distance 80 Physical disability 5 For personal reasons—this last includes married men, m e n w h o are past thirty, and graduate students registered in undergraduate courses 25 A total of 542 26 cars in storage The corresponding figures for the first semester of last year are as follows : For family use 381 Work 154 Commuting 109 Physical disability 12 Personal 9 A total of 665 As to the method of issuing permits, "for thefirsttwo years this matter was left in the hands of a committee consisting of the Secretary of the Council, Dean Thompson, and Dean Harno, w h o gave considerable time to the matter and considered each case personally. During these two years the principles on which permits were granted were pretty well established and it was the opinion of every one concerned that, excepting in unusual cases, it was not necessary to refer the matter to the committee. Whenever there has been a question this year the Secretary has called one dean or another in consultation with reference to the matter, and particular cases have been taken to the Council for its action. This has seemed quite a satisfactory way to every one concerned." D e a n Clark, D e a n H a r n o , a n d D e a n T h o m p s o n were introduced. E a c h one m a d e statements concerning the administration of the rules on permits for students to operate automobiles. O n motion of D r . Noble, the report w a s received for record a n d the committee w a s c o m m e n d e d for the efficient, far-seeing, a n d just m a n n e r in which they have administered these rules. TREASURERS REPORT AND INVESTMENTS Mr. Trees offered the following report for the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee recommends to the Board of Trustees that the Annual Report of the Treasurer as of June 30, 1928, be approved and accepted, but that the list of investments now owned by the University of Illinois be sub-
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