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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
754 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Corrosion byfluegases, 83, 540, 597 Croft, M . S„ certificate, 241 Corsa, W . S., appointments, 356, 598 Cromwell, F. P., degree, 716 Corson, W , R., C.P.A. certificate, 479 Crone, K., appointment, 598 Cortelyou, W . P., degree, 221 Cronin, W . M., degree, 715 Coasum, C. S., scholarship, 576 Crook, E. J., degree, 218 Costilow, O. W., degree, 59 Crook, W . H., commission, 724 Cothern, A. M., degree, 710 degree, 707 Cothem, J. R.» degree, 227 Crop production, effects of potash on, contract, Cotie, L. C., degree, 217 248, 339. 383 Cottingham, G. A., degree, 707 Crop Protection Institute, agreement, 584 Cottrell, F. B., appointments, 548, 634 contract, canceled, 702 degree, 727 Crosbie, M . H „ degree, 707 Couberly, G., degree, 217 Crosby, L. Z„ degree, 7X9 Couch, H. N „ appointmenta, 287 Crosley, R., appointment, 532 Coughlan, M . K-, appointments, 278, 608 Cross, H-, appointments, 301, 651 Cougblin, J. E., degree, 501 leave of absence, 539 Couleur, J. R-, degree, 712 Cross, M., degree, 227 Council of Administration, budget, 275, 623 Cross. W . O., degree, 218 Courier, E. I., degree, 719 Crossman, R. S., appointments, 302, 651 Courtney, G. F„ degree, 60 Crouch, M . L., degree, 726 Courtney, P. E., degree, 724 Crouch, R. B., appointments, 284, 480, 634 Cousley, P. S., degree, 234 degree, 496 Covey, N. M., degree, 217 Crouch, W . M., death benefit, 5 Covington, R. E., commission, 234 Crowder, W . F., degree, 238 degree, 223 Crucible, gold, loss of, 434 Cowan, J. M-, gift, 10, 450 Crull, H. E., degree, 707 Cow barn. Carter-Pennell farm, contract, 88 scholarship, 576 Coi, C. B., appointment, 296 Crump, E., degree, 231 degree, 389 Culbertson, J. A., appointments, 244, 289, 639 Cox, G. D., degree, 408 Culbertson, V. G., degree, 707 Cox, H. M „ degree, 405 Culhane, C M., degree, 231 Cox, J. D., Jr., degree, 499 Culler, E. A., appointments, 292, 642 Cox, J. E., degree, 218 leave of absence, 557 Cox, M . NL, degree, 231 Cullison, C. C , degree, 721 Cox, O. L., degree, 234 Cullison, J. R., degree, 717 Cox, P. S-, degree, 227 Culp, M . S-, appointment, 64 Cox, R., degree, 223 Cummings, H., degree, 406 Cox. R. F. B., degree, 7 " Cumraings, P. W., degree, 729 Coyne, J. E-, degree, 711 Cummins, L. T., degrees, 718, 721 Cozzens, J. E., degree, 723 Cummins, T. A., degree, 229 C. P. A. certificates, list, 115, 265, 466, 478 Cummins, V. S., degree, 218 Crabbe, D. H-, degree, 221 Cummins, W . A., death benefit, 260 Crabbe, R. E-, appointments, 180, 2S4, 634 Cundy, P. F., degree, 707 Crabtree, B. F., appointments, 37, 152 Cunningham, C. R- A., degrees, 227, 728 degrees, 389, 237 Cunningham, F., appointments, 277, 624 Craft, L. M., degrees, 225, 728 Cunningham, H. E., appointments, 276, 279, 624., scholarship, 160 626 Crafton, L., degree, 235 elected Secretary of the Board, 142, 537 Craggs, W., scholarship, 704 Cunningham, L., appointments, 312, 662 Craig, C. C , certificate, 241 Cunningham, M., appointments, 331, 683 Craig, F. M., degree, 132 Cupery, M . E., degree, 730 Craig, F. V., appointments, 328. 680 Cupples, W . L., commission, 724 Craig, H. W., appointments, 321., 675 degree, 721 Crain, R. W., Jr., degree, 714 Curriculums, Architecture, 699 Craine, M . K., degree, 218 Athletic Coaching, changes in, 463 Critchlow,H.L.,H.,degree, fellow, 277, 434 Crissey,WA.J.CE.,death721719405,416,344, 640 Dahlenburg,shellsdegree,to218 296, 645 ArchitecCressman,V.B.,M.,appointments, 97,660625424, 696 Dahlberg,N.,L.degree, 711717 330 81 93 532, Crile, D.MR.P.,D.,degree,721719 432 Creighton,499degree, benefit, 234181 502, Creath,R...J.G., appointments, 301, 661 Creamer,V.C.W.,degree, 129408 310, 640 Crawford,J.A.P.,degree,benefit,358291,651 Cravens,H.M.,CR.,purchase,410 290, Craver, gasoline, appointments, Crathorne,P. S-, commission, 291 Crane, F. J„J.,, death 218707 311, Crandell, C. S., degree,34 Crandall, H.,K., degree,731 Cramer, P., appointments, 161, degree, C W., appointments, H. E., degree,707 A. ,appointments, M.,degree, 228 F-, II, Plym218 J., S., degree, 406 Dahlberg, W.,O.,M.,degree,701 598 97, 276, 463 Czerwinski,Wdegree, 719218 Civil CylindricalE-,S.,decision711third Cuzner,PlanningS.,asappointments, Cutright,court,C,Option711 455 Engineering, Curtis,ture,Education, 434224 year, Cywinski, F., appointments, CustomsF- C.„R., degree,on duty, CushingPlanning degree, in 221 Cushing,and S.A.,Option712 Landscape Curry, C. T.Engineerings, 239 Currie, L. M 462 degree, Physical E., appointments, Medicine, promotion 707 City D. C M 701 degree, Chemistry,„degree, 499 ChemicalC.Cushing, 463 624 C. B., degree, of N. A. degree, G. M F.r columns,
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