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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 753 Contracts, cont'd. Contracts, cont'd. Illinois Gas Association* 84 Walrus Manufacturing Company, 196 Illinois Master Plumbers Association, 83 W a r m Air Heating and Ventilating Association, Illinois Printing Company, 339, 4-5 3 » 477 extended, 562 Illinois State Board of Vocational Education, Warner Elevator Company, 485 449- 477. Si I. 5M. 586 Werner, C. J„ 194 Brown, D. M.t 561 Western Brick Company, 196, 253, 584 Sugar, P., 561 Western Fuel Company, 196, 253 Illinois State Electric Association, 83 Whittenberg, H. G.. 617 Ingram-Richardson Manufacturing Company, Willis, G. C , 196 84 Wilson, A. C , leases, 25, 339 Institute of American Meat Packers, 358, 404 Wipke Lightning Rod Company, 263 International Association of Milk Dealers, 477 Wurdack Electric Manufacturing Company, 26 International Railway Fuel Association, 81 Zeigler Coal and Coke Company, 84 Johnson Brothers, 190, 354, 483, 617 See also under Agreements Johnson, C , 88 Continuation in service of Bayley, W . S., 431 Joints in Wide Plates, 508 Converse, P. D., appointments, in, 295, 645 Kern, O. L„ and Company, 2 Conveyance of land for street purposes, 530 King and Petry, 52, 383, 546 Convocations, budget, 275, 623 Klein Watson Company, 404 Conway, C. C , degree, 225 Leonard Seed Company, 161, 561, 562 Conway, H. C , degree, 229 Locomotive Firebox Company, 540 Conway, W . M., degree, 713 Medical and Dental Laboratories, 594 Conwell, G. A., degree, 712 electric wiring, 616 Cook, A. F., contract, 88 plumbing, 616 Cook, B. L., degree, 712 ventilating, 616 Cook, G. R., degree, 224 Miller Lightning Rod Co., 263 Cook, L. R., degree, 225 Millikin, P. S., 339 Cook, M . E., degree, 234 Moore, E. A., lease, 25, 404 Cook, P. R., degree, 707 Nahin, L., lease, 200, 606 Cook, R- E., degree, 223 National Boiler and Radiator Manufacturers Cook County Experiment Station, appropriation, Association, 83 question, 50 National Brick Manufacturers Association, 8t, repairs, 199 58S balance reappropriated, 614 National Research Council, 82, 365, 539, 605, budget, expense, 307, 657 703 salary, 316, 666 National W a r m Air Heating Association, 83 Cooke, F. W., appointments, 112, 303, 653 Nelson Concrete Culvert Company, 120 Cooley, J. A., appointments, 641 Noyes property, lease of, 519 Coombe, J. V., commission, 724 Optical service, College of Medicine, conditions degree, 715 and requirements, 511 Coombe, R. B„ degree, 132 Otis Elevator Company, 5, 149, 452 Coombs, A. J., appointments, 345, 697 Pathe Exchange, Inc., 253 Coombs, F. S., Jr., degree, 217 Phi Rho Sigma Medical Fraternity, 605 Coon, J. D., C. P. A. certificate, US, 466 Pickup, R-, lease, 25 Coons, L. K.( degree, 721 Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company, 484 Cooper, A. R., appointments, 327. 328, 678, 679 report of, 25, 52, 88, 94, 120, 137* 149, 161, 200,Cooper, E. M., appointments, 180, 291 253. 339. 383, 403, 45°. 477, 5*4. 545, 562, degree, 730 586, 606 Cooper, F., degree, 347 Research Bureau on Cast Iron Enamels, 84 Cooper, H. A., degree, 718 Reuter, Henry, & Sons, 2, 25 Cooper, W . T „ degree, 715 Rezilite Manufacturing Company, 2, 25 Cooperative agreements, see Agreements Riggs Optical Company, 546, 561, 586 Cooperative Mines Investigation, budget, exRogers Printing Company, 95, 120 pense, 300, 649 R u h m Phosphate and Chemical Company, 161, salary, 307, 656 Wahlfeld Research Inc.,384Cast Co. 83, State116,Studios,249.Corporation,82 261 88, 84, Copeland,547.E.,589509of238436,285, 652 63s Somers,States Corporation,Machine Rapids,449, Coote,researchappointments, 112,37»679504 ChemScholl,Inc.,A.Company,190,Education, 52, 158 CooperativeforE-,from,employees, 479.286, Hundred SectionalF.Products 5^1.583of Agriculture,598 Urbana Coke520383. and 586 354,584 United Laboratories,253 Yeast 58, TennesseeManufacturing Mines, 161 477 Steel562Rolling261 120,434, 452,25483 Pipe, 260 Corey, C.extended,degree,Reactions, 635 Standard C.Machine Company, Iron 597, 135, Corbin,S.O.WT-,J.,ofPhysical73 345. 550 531 SouthwarkCommittee540.82 Co.,564, Company, Copilow,E.M.,scholarship,721 *328, Blood 116, Sherzer P., A„W.,262Bridge release, 560 Vol land Brands, Commission, 605 Utilities Phosphate Time,Furniture Vocational Thomson 5", Bureau on Thomas, 540512Company of Grand Tabulating Fleischmann 546, 464. Stoolman,Oilfor Lift of Company, See Board Foundry royalties,lease, 25, 477. 267, Department 144 J., 165. also, 514. Cornwell, .Studydegree,721 Status 697 Cornbteet,S.,H.,course 363,576496 insurance, Corn, F.E.E.,Normal question, 136 monograph, Corrigaii, K.. appointments, Correspondencedegrees, Correlative 239 on, 607 Cornstalks, B., 558 135 224 Corner, M 730 thedegree, process, of Cornell, F.728 license 217. 303, Copley,E. T., degree, Individuals, One Corpe, R.research stockholders, appointments, option and degree, degree, M., appointments, 298, patent, J., contract L., appropriation, Skin istry, gas So-called 560
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