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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

722 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 Margaret Mary Haas Pauline Ann Hackbarth Opal Bernice Hacker Mary Kathryn Hackett Clayton Major Hadley, Jr. Marcell Harry Hall Marguerite Evelyn Hammett Elizabeth Caroline Hanawalt Oscar August Hankner Bueford Reuben Harper William Roy Hartman Sherrill Bertrand Hayden Virginia Palmer Heidman Neil Elmer Heikes Marian Frances Hendricks Peter Swan Herberholz Pearle Dorothy Herskovitz, with High Honors i Education n Loyalle Wade Hinton Leonard Frank Hinze Robert Theodore Hise Mercedes Lucille Hoag Walter Caleb Hodge Henry Clay Holt Bertha Horwich Eva Adaline Howarth Frances Isabella Hudson Fred Humbert Kathryne Rae Hunsicker Anna Elise Jaeger Paul Jessen Bernice Catherine Johnson, with High Honors i Education n Ruth Mary Johnson Esther Louise Jorgensen Anton Jureziz, Jr. John Emmerson Keal Mary Charlotte Keith Emily Josephine Kelley Kathryn Ellen Kendall Vernon Robert Kent, with High Honors i Mathematics n Doris Ozel Kessler, with High Honors i Art and Design n Helen Dorothy Kimball Margaret Mary Kinder Ethel Elizabeth Kinderman Laura Wilhelmina Kinderman DorothyEdwardEducation with High WilliamGeorgeLeamon Bernice Christian Lee Edwin Milton Leary Mary ElizabethKraft Helen K GenevieveLannon ClaudeDorothy Kruse Marguerite i Krueck Andrew Francis Larsen Everett Kumler Lane Elizabeth Julia King Milton George Kresler, Honors Louise Koelln Curtis n Lucille Meredith Lee Alberta Leeper James Warren Lewis Phyllis Freda Long Mildred Ludlow Esther Louise McBride Wayne Edward McCleery Jane Adelaide McClure Vernon Clarence McGinnis Edward Lohman McGrath Marshall Olin McMullin, with High Honors i Mathematics n Lucille Virginia Machiels Myrtle Edgren MagnUson Ella Marie Magny James Lawrence Major, Jr. Victor DeForrest Malone Rufus Julian Marshall Wilbert Arthur Martin Kenneth Wilbur Mason Mabel Lida Mason Helen Marie Mathis Herman William Mayer Ann Esther Mazac Anna Hurst Meierhofer Elmer August Meyer Lavona Millard Kenneth Millen Douglas Raymond Mills Elizabeth Bernice Mitchell Thomas Charles Moers Ruth Jane Morrison Isobel Blair Mowatt Grace Roberta Mower Lola Jeannette Muns Elizabeth Ann Munson Martha Eileen Nichols Douglas Gillison Nicholson Lillian Metta Nielsen Francis Xavter O'Keefe Bessie Mae Olson Mildred Alice O'Neil Alipio De Veyra B Orencia Paul Robert Osborn Mary Elizabeth Paul, with High Honors i History n Elsie Emily Pendleton Pauline Alice Perctval JohnReeder Price AgnesCalvert Pierce RamonElizabethRedmond PearleHilary Reese RuthJosephinePryor Gertrude Mary Rankin Daniel Scott Van Phares Peske Irva Elizbeth Porter CecilPiuppo Sarah Briard Phillips GladysHelen Reilly Esther Pierce Bertha
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