Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

193°1 UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS 7°3 R E B A T E S O N SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS (26) Reports have been made previously of rebates received from the City of Champaign on special assessments for public improvement projects. The Comptroller reports that these rebates have now been paid in full and submits the following final statement of the amounts received and also a report of those improvements on which there were no rebates: STA TEMENT OF IMPRO VEMENT REBA TES FROM CIT Y OF CHA MP A IGN AS A T M A Y 16, 1930 Cash Receipt Voucher Number Date Amount Fourth Street Pavement (In Full) 173 November 16, 1929 Ji 459 17 Armory Avenue Pavement (Wright to Fourth Streets) Orchard Place Lots (In Full) 173 November 16, 1929 178 19 University Campus on South side (In Full) 173 November 16, 1929 616 73 Stadium Drive (First Street to Illinois Central Railroad) (In Full) 388 March 19, 1929 2 308 56 First Street (Armory Avenue to Corporation Line) N o Rebate Gregory Drive (North Drive) N o Rebate Oak Street, Locust Street, and Armory Avenue West of First Street N o Rebate South Sixth Street N o Rebate South Drive, First and Fourth Streets south of Corporation Line /Athletic Association and \University Project Scott Sanitary Sewer First Payment 249 January 7, 1930 136 92 Final Payment 437 M a y 1, 1930 643 81 Total Rebates to M a y 16, /pjo $5 343 38 This report was received for record. GIFTS TO THE UNIVERSITY (27) The following report of gifts received by the University: 1. From the National Research Council the sum of $900 in support of research work by Professor J. T. Buchholz of the Department of Botany on the "Effects of Radium Treatment on Pollen Tube Growth." This is a renewal of a similar grant made last year. 2. From the Yale University Press copy of- certain works by the press in the fields of government and international relations, for the University Library. This report w a s received for record. BRONZE TABLET MEMORIAL- TO MISS MARION E. SPARKS (28) A report from the Head of the Department of Chemistry that some of the alumni wish to purchase a bronze tablet to be installed in the Chemistry Building as a memorial to Miss Marion E. Sparks who was Librarian in the Department for many years and who died in 1929. I have authorized the Department to go ahead with their plans for this memorial. On motion of Mr. Simpson, this action was approved and confirmed. THEFT OF PISTOL FROM THE MUSEUM IN THE ARMORY (29) A report from the Supervising Architect and the Commandant that on M a y 16, 1930, a person or persons unknown forced the wire barrier enclosing the equipment on display in the Military Museum in the Armory and removed an Army, 45 caliber, automatic pistol, and one pistol clip, valued at $24.39. This occurred at a time when