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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

702 B O A R D O F TRUSTEES [June 19 M a y 9, 1930, page 580), be released from his contract in order that he may accept another position. O n motion of M r s . E v a n s , this release w a s granted. SICK LEAVE FOR MISS JESSIE BEADLES (21) Miss Jessie Beadles, Assistant in Animal Nutrition, has been incapacitated by a street car accident since M a y 6 and the Dean of the College of Agriculture reports that her convalescence may require as much as three months. H e recommends that because of her long and faithful service to the University, covering a period of approximately thirteen years, she be given sick leave with full pay from M a y 6 to July 6. I recommend approval with the additional recommendation that Miss Beadles be given leave without pay from July 6 to September 1, 1930, or until such date as she is able to return to her duties during the present academic year. O n motion of M r . Fisher, this leave w a s granted. EXTENSION OF VACATION FOR MISS BESSIE PACKARD (22) A recommendation from the Head of the Department of Home Economics and the Dean of the College of Agriculture that in recognition of her long and faithful service extending over eighteen years Miss Bessie Packard, Secretary of the Department of H o m e Economics, be given two weeks' vacation with pay in addition to her regular month's vacation. I concur. O n motion of M r s . E v a n s , this extension w a s granted. UNUSUALLY HAZARDOUS EMPLOYMENT OF H. M. NEWELL AND L. H. STRUBINGER (23) A request from the Dean of the College of Agriculture that H. M . Newell and L. H. Strubinger in the Department of Horticulture be authorized to engage in certain studies of fruit-handling and marketing which will involve riding on freight cars, being about railroad yards, and at times riding inside of refrigerator cars for short distances; and that specific recognition be given to the unusually hazardous character of the work. These studies are conducted throughout the summer and early fall. I recommend that this work be recognized as unusually hazardous but necessary to the studies carried on by the University and that Messrs. Newell and Strubinger be authorized to engage in it. O n motion of M r . Simpson, this recommendation w a s approved. PURCHASE OF BOOK PAPER FOR PRINT SHOP (24) A request from the Comptroller for authority to purchase a carload of book paper for use in the Print Shop, viz: Keystone English Finish at $6.00 per 100 pounds, and Montrose English Finish at $6.75 per 100 pounds, the total cost to be $2,900, f.o.b. Urbana, from the Moser Paper Company of Chicago. A similar purchase was approved by the Board on March 11, 1930 (Minutes, page 543) based on the low price of various quotations secured at that time. The same price is available at present and a further supply of this stock is needed. The cost will be charged to the budget allotments for printing of the various departments for whose bulletins and other publications this paper will be used. I recommend approval. O n motion of D r . Noble, this purchase w a s authorized. CANCELLATION OF CONTRACT WITH CROP PROTECTION INSTITUTE (25) A recommendation from the Dean of the College of Agriculture and the Head of the Department of Horticulture that the agreement with the Crop Protection Institute for a cooperative investigation of the use of certain oil-sulphur combinations as insecticides and fungicides, approved M a y 9, 1930 (Minutes, page 584), be canceled because of the financial embarrassment of the Company which was to furnish the funds for this work. I recommend that the contract be canceled. O n motion of M r . Simpson, this contract w a s canceled.
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