Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

jp3o] Estimated Expenditures Expense and UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS 691 Salaries Equipment Eli Lilly Company Fellowship for Study of Allergy 1 800 ool Frank J. McGovern Fellowship in Study of Woolen Fibers.. 1 200 oo1 Francis J. Plym Fellowships and Prizes in Architecture 2 300 oo1 Graduate Scholarships and Fellowships in Public Utilities. $ 000 oo1 J. T. Baker Chemical Company Fellowship in Analytical Chemistry 1 000 oo1 John M . and Louisa C. Gregory Scholarship Fund 350 oo1 Robert F. Carr Fellowship in Chemistry 730 oo1 Robert Laughlin Rea Scholarships in the College of Medicine 250 oo1 Total Scholarships and Fellowships Funds ($18 130 00) Prize Funds B'nai B'rith, Independent Order of, Prize Fund2 English Poetry Prize Fund ? 30 00 Ira O. Baker Prize Fund (Civil Engineering) 142 00 Thatcher Howland Guild Memorial Prize Fund for Students' Poems and One-Act Plays 35 00 Thrift Committee Economics Prize Fund 50 00 William Jennings Bryan Prize Fund for Students' Essays on Government 15 00 Total Prize Funds (£272 00) ($272 00) Miscellaneous Funds Margaret Lange James Student Loan Fund Annuity $250 00 Miscellaneous Endowments Income Funds William Beaumont Memorial Endowment for Award for Research in Diseases of the Alimentary Tract 100 00 Jessie Estep Class of 1878 Memorial Clock Maintenance Endowment 20 00 W . B. McKinley Hospital Endowment 1 500 00 W o m e n Students' Physical Welfare Fund from M a y Fetes. 300 00 1Estimated Salaries. Noto be expended during 1930-31. budget. 'Balance June 30, 1930, appointments included in Total 1 800 00 1 200 00 1 300 00 5 000 00 1 000 00 350 00 730 00 250 00 ($18 130 00) $ 30 00 142 00 35 00 50 00 1500 $250 00 100 00 20 00 1 500 00 300 00