Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

193°] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE A N D A G R I C U L T U R A L E X P E R I M E N T STATION 657 Summary Expense and Salaries Equipment Total Administration $ 14 210 00 ? 10 800 00 $ 35 010 00 Agricultural Economics 5 550 00 5 550 00 Agricultural College Extension.. . . 10 680 00 7 250 00 17 930 00 Agronomy 114 040 00 77 358 00 191 398 00 Soil Survey Reports, Printing 7 500 00 7 500 oo! Animal Husbandry 94 315 00 154 015 00 248 330 00 Dairy Husbandry 52 577 00 63 755 00 116 332 00 Farm Mechanics 18 030 00 9 000 oc 27 030 00 Farm Organization and Management 27 640 00 7 850 00 35 490 00 H o m e Economics 51 460 00 7 470 oc 58 930 00 Horticulture 96 740 00 78 720 00 175 460 00 Sub-total (495 242 00) (423 718 00) (918 960 oc) Revolving Funds Dairy Creamery 3 540 00 102 200 00 105 740 00 Dairy Creamery Short Course. . 200 00 200 00 H o m e Economics Cafeteria 1 400 00 12 600 00 14 000 00 Extension Revolving 2 000 00 2 000 00 Sub-total (500 182 00) (540 718 00) (1 040 900 00) Cook County Experiment Station . 1 800 00 8 400 00 11 200 00 Purnell Fand 36 838 561 23 161 44s 60 000 00 Smith-Lever Fund 206 406 641 33 217 70 239 624 34 Capper-Ketcham Fund 35 873 361 4 294 12 40 167 48 Grand Total $782 100 56 $609 791 26 $1 391 891 82 RESOURCES FOR AGRICULTURAL BUDGET University and Estimated Federal Funds Receipts' Administration $ 35 010 00 Agricultural Economics 5 550 00 Agricultural College Extension 17 930 00 Agronomy 180 598 00 $ 10 800 00 Soil Survey Reports, Printing 7 500 00 Animal Husbandry 183 730 00 64 600 00 Dairy Husbandry 79 072 00 37 260 00 Farm Mechanics 26 730 00 300 00 Farm Organization and Management 35 490 00 H o m e Economics 58 930 00 Horticulture 149 960 00 25 500 00 Sub-total (780 500 00) (138 460 00) Revolving Funds Dairy Creamery 105 740 00 Dairy Creamery Short Course 200 00 H o m e Economics Cafeteria 14 °°0 °° •Unused Fund FundFund willStation 600items imay be (780 624 48 Grand CountyRevolvingsalary$261 subject to appropriation40 000 00 to(2601400 00 equipment bud Smith-Lever $1 balance 82 and CookSub-total £2654.01 not exceedbudgetreceipts f less than 60 500 34 byExtension Experiment Capper-Ketcham130 291 lapse September Purnell balances inunas&igned actual 0030, 1931. transferred the Director. may 'Expenditures •Includes ^Unexpended Total 239 167 Board. expense 00) 10 the 00) estimate. 00 by 000 2 000 00 200 and