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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

656 board of trustees [June 19 42. R. E. Lewis, Research Graduate Assistant in Mechanical Salary Engineering (2 yrs. of 10 mos. each from Sept. 1, 1929) F 600 43. F. P. Thomas, Research Graduate Assistant in Civil Engineering (2 yrs. of 10 mos. each from Sept. 1, 1929).... F 600 44. , Research Graduate Assistant (2 yrs. of 10 mos. each from Sept. i, 1930) F 600 45. R. E. Nusbaum, Research Graduate Assistant (2 yrs. of 10 mos. each from Sept. 1, 1930) F 600 46. T. G. Taylor, Research Graduate Assistant in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (2 yrs. of 10 mos. each from Sept. 1, 1930) F 600 47. O. R. Bingham, Special Research Graduate Assistant in Chemical Engineering E (800)' 48. H . W . Nelson, Special Research Graduate Assistant in Chemical Engineering E (800)1 49. Herbert Berg, Research Graduate Assistant in Gas Engineering (until Sept. 1, 1931) F (6oo): 50. R. M . Lawrence, Special Research Graduate Assistant in Gas Engineering (2 yrs. of 10 mos. each from Sept. 1, 1929) F (600)2 51. W . M . Honour, Special Research Graduate Assistant in Civil Engineering (1 yr. of 10 mos. from Feb. 1, 1930) F (600)3 52. H . E. D e w , Special Research Graduate Assistant in Civil Engineering {i}4 yrs. of 10 mos. each from Sept. 1, 1929) F (Coo)-1 53. R. B. Moorman, Special Research Graduate Assistant in Civil Engineering (i}4 yrs. of 10 mos. each from Sept. 1, 1929) F (600)' 54. E. C. Clemens, Special Research Graduate Assistant in Ceramic Engineering (until Feb. 1, 1931, not including July and August) F (600)4 55. Lane Mitchell, Special Research Graduate Assistant in Ceramic Engineering (until Feb. 1, 1931, not including July and August) F (6oo)' 56. L. R. Shardlow, Special Research Graduate Assistant in Ceramic Engineering E (600)1 57. C. G. Harman, Special Research Graduate Assistant in Ceramic Engineering E (600)1 58. , Special Research Graduate Assistant in Ceramic Engineering E (600)1 Total, Engineering Experiment Station $ 67 960 Cooperative Mines Investigation 1. C. M . Smith, Research Associate in Mining Engineering... D $ 3 300 'Funds supplied by Utilities Research Commission; not included in total. 'Funds supplied by Illinois Gas Association; not included in total. 'Funds supplied by A. S. C. £.; not included in total. *Funds supplied by Illinois Clay Products Association; not included in total.
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