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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

193°] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 619 ESTIMATED BUDGET INCOME FOR THE FISCAL. YEAR 1930-1931 General Restricted Income Income Total State Appropriation for Operation, Maintenance and Equipment Salaries and Wages $3 515 000 00 $3 515 000 00 Office Expense 150 000 00 150 000 00 Travel 35 000 00 35 000 00 Operation 485 000 00 485 000 00 Repairs 160 000 00 160 000 00 Equipment 290 000 00 290 000 00 Improvements other than Buildings 130 000 00 130 000 00 Total (4 765 000 00) (4 765 000 00) State Appropriation for Cook County Experiment Station (Agriculture) f 10 000 00 , 10 000 00 Federal Grants Interest on Endowment Fund (Land Grant of 1862, paid by State) 32 450 66 32 450 66 Morrill and Nelson Acts 50 000 00 ;o 000 00 Hatch and Adams Acts (Agriculture) 30 000 00 30 000 co Smith-Hughes Act (State Board of Vocational Education). 16 000 00 16 000 00 Smith-Lever Act (Agriculture) 239 624 34 239 624 34 Capper-Ketcham Act (Agriculture) 40 167 48 40 167 48 Purnell Act (Agriculture) 60 000 00 60 000 00 Total (8245066) (38579182) (46824248) Student Fees Gross 900 000 00 900 000 00 Estimated Refunds 30 000 00 30 000 00 Net (870 000 00) (870 000 00) McKinley Endowment (Economics) 5 400 00 5 400 00 Miscellaneous Income 120 000 00 120 000 00 Agricultural Sales (excluding Revolving Funds) 139 660 00 139 660 00 Departmental Revolving Funds Agricultural 12194000 12194000 Other 10 075 00 10 075 00 Total (132 015 00) (132 015 00) Self-supporting Enterprises 197 000 00 197 000 00 Expendable surplus from5self-supporting 000 oo1 J692 227544 48 6 204 765 00 TrustIncome J 837778566 J1672enterprises. 093 00 Funds 51 450 785 41 00 82 204911 82 ^Estimated Unappropriated Total EstimatedBalance Proposed Appropriations 66 074 093 1 033 778 66 818 227 82
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