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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

193°1 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 599 Floriculture Rudolph Scheffler, Wheaton George J. Ball, Glen Ellyn F. L. Washburn, Bloomington J. W . Ross, Centralia j! F.Ammann, Edwardsville Horticulture Guy Beauman, Tunnel Hill August Geweke, Des Plaines W. S. Perrine, Centralia J. A. Garnier, Newton H. M. Dunlap, Savoy On motion of Mr. Simpson, these committees were appointed. AWARD OF PLYM SCHOLARSHIP TO JOHN D. JARVIS (17) A recommendation from the Plym Scholarship Committee, concurred in by the Dean of the College of Engineering, that Mr. John D. Jarvis of the Class of 1929 be awarded the Seventh Plym Foreign Scholarship in Architectural Engineering. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Trees, this recommendation was approved. REQUEST FOR BOOKS FROM GEORGETOWN COLLEGE (18) A few weeks ago the Chapel and Library Building of Georgetown College, Georgetown, Kentucky, burned to the ground destroying some forty-five thousand library volumes. In trying to recoup its loss the institution is appealing to libraries in other colleges and universities for contributions of duplicate copies and other books which they do not need. Director Windsor reports that we could make up a box or two of books from our duplicates and from our own publications which we could send as a contribution. I recommend that the Library be authorized to do this. O n motion of Dr. Noble, this authority w a s granted. IRA O. BAKER PRIZE FUND (19) The Comptroller writes me concerning the $300 of the Vancouver Lumber Company First Mortgage seven and a half per cent Gold Bonds, which were presented to the University by Professor I. O. Baker as part of his gift for a prize fund bearing his name, that interest due on these bonds May 1, 1930, has not been paid. He accompanies his letter with a statement from Peabody and Company of Chicago, signed by their Mr. E. W . Skipworth, saying, "It is our understanding plans are being worked out which contemplate no loss to the bondholders." In a circular letter from Peabody and Company to the holders of these bonds is this statement: "We are also informed that there is slight ground for apprehension of the ultimate outcome from your standpoint. There is every reason to believe that the property, upon which the mortgage securing your bonds is a first lien, is reasonably worth more than the mortgage debt. " W e believe inasmuch as under the British Columbia law, no right of redemption exists after the foreclosure sale, the situation can be worked out rather speedily in a satisfactory manner." This report was received for record. RESIDENCE HALL PLANS additional ofunits m a the W girlsand s singleplans Architect was the plan this On the proceed Mrs.ofEvans, mthe 'Supervisingcost ofspecificationsaforto provide ed tworecommendationkfrom Professor White that plans be and that the of motion unit of the the a n a estimated wings be authorized. construction for to north fronthouse100 basement anResidence and $400,000; for U-shaped residence hall toto (20) A social and 200each necessary of the Halls. drawn instructe o at stories operating unit, . G n r l ^dmsory Committee eea Eugene Funk, Farm Crops W . E. Riegel, Soils J ^- Fulkerson, Animal Husbandry N- W . Hepburn, Dairy Husbandry 0. W . Hoit, Farm Mechanics F. C. Parks, Farm Organization and w cM^nafmen* „• . „ W- S" Perr™e, Horticulture
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