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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

594 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 3 MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT KINLEY The Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. APPROPRIATION FOR LEGAL SERVICES (i) A statement that he had employed legal counsel for special services in connection with the title to some land, the purchase of which is under consideration, with a request that this action be confirmed and that an appropriation of $100 be made from the Reserve and Contingent Fund to meet the expense. O n motion of M r s . Evans this action w a s confirmed and the appropriation w a s m a d e , b y the following vote: A y e , M r . Armstrong, President Barr, M r s . Evans, M r s . Grigsby, Dr. Noble, M r . Simpson, M r . Trees; no, none; absent, M r . Blair, M r . E m m e r s o n , M r . Fisher. CONTRACT FOR MEDICAL. AND DENTAL. COLLEGE LABORATORI ES (2) A letter from Granger & Bollenbacher, Architects for the Medical and Dental College Laboratories building, enclosing a schedule of bids and recommending that the contract be awarded to the lowest bidder, the W . E . O'Neill Construction C o m pany, of Chicago. I concur. June 3rd, 1930 To The Board of Trustees, University of Illinois Subject: Selection of General Contractor for Medical and Dental College Laboratories Gentlemen: W e enclose herewith a Schedule of Bids received at 11 :oo o'clock a.m. (Chicago time) on M a y 26th, 1930, in the Library R o o m of the Research Laboratory and Library Building, for the general work on the Medical and Dental College Laboratories Building. W e recommend that the contract be awarded to the low bidder, the W . E. O'Neill Construction Company of Chicago, on the basis of their bid " A " of $798,236.00; plus Alternate No. 4 for the Transformer Room, amounting to $4,200.00; plus Alternate No. 6 for Kalman Floor Company's Burlap Process Cement Finish onfloors,amounting to $9,400.00; making a total contract of $811,836.00. W e further recommend that the Contract provide for the option of accepting Alternate No. 2 for Kawneer Sash at an additional cost of $37,000.00; and for the option of accepting the Contractor's proposal of June 2nd for the omission of steel sash at a deduction of $40,455.00. This S C H E D U L E O F is E N E R on aB I D S RstudyIofE D M A Y 26, recommendation G based A L careful E C E V the qualifications of the two 1930 low bidders, a summary of which O'Neill B. herewith together with substantiating Bidder W. E. is attached W . Const. Schmidt John 1 : 2. documents. E ncsst> n Const. Co. Co. Bros. Very truly yours, Co. Base bid A $798 236 00 $829 991 00 $839 950 00 9 ?o 00 3857 Granger & Bollenbacher Completion 10 months n months O. 10 months 10momt s h B y J. Merrill Amount included for bond 12 000 00 8 300 00 12 585 00 12 75° 00 1 000 00 8 Alternate No. 1, add 75 000 00 35 350 00 52 980 00 12 500 00 Alternate No. 2, add 37 000 00 1 500 00 Alternate No. 3, deduct.. . 3 200 00 1 944 00 3 250 00 5 000 00 8 500 00 Alternate No. 4, add 4 200 00 8 360 00 4 250 00 265 00 Alternate No. 6, add 9 400 00 8 005 00 9 000 00 2 .-57° 00 Alternate No. 11, deduct.. 160 00 200 00 200 00 Alternate No. 12, add 1 700 00 1 600 00
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