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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

193°] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 591 USE O F P R E S E N T PRESIDENT'S H O U S E O n motion of M r . Trees, the officers of the Board were authorized to arrange with President Kinley, on his return from abroad in 1931, for the use of the present President's House, including heat, water, gas, electricity, maintenance, and care of grounds, for a period not to exceed four years, at a rental of $1500 a year. President Barr appointed M r . Armstrong and M r . Trees a special committee to confer with President Kinley on this matter. The committee reported, after conference with President Kinley, that the arrangement was satisfactory to him. DR. D A V I D K I N L E Y M A D E P R E S I D E N T E M E R I T U S O n motion of Mrs. Evans, Dr. David Kinley was made Professor of Economics and President of the University, Emeritus, effective July 1, 1930. O n motion of M r . Trees, President Kinley was granted leave of absence beginning August 1, 1930, with salary at the present rate until August 31, 1931. A R C H I T E C T F O R PRESIDENT'S H O U S E O n motion of Mrs. Evans, the Supervising Architect was authorized to arrange for the employment of M r . Piatt for architectural services on the new house for the President, at a compensation not to exceed $4000. DATE OF JUNE MEETING O n motion of M r . Armstrong, it was voted to hold the June meeting at the University, at Urbana, at 10 o'clock a.m. on Tuesday, June 10, 1930. G R A D U A T E SCHOLARS A N D FELLOWS The Secretary presented for record the following supplementary list of scholars and fellows in the Graduate School, appointed by the President of the University: Agronomy Robert L. Matlock Fellowship $500 Animal Husbandry Dewey M. Turney Scholarship $300 Architecture Donald R. Laidig Scholarship $300 Chemistry Albert C. Fauth Scholarship 56300 Earl C. Smith Scholarship $300 Classics William M . Seaman Scholarship $300 Electrical Engineering Stanley R. Jordan Scholarship $300 English Gladys McConatha Scholarship $300 History Granville D. Davis Scholarship $300 Mathematics Robert E. Norris Fellowship J500 M . Anice Seybold Scholarship j300 Walter G. Warnock Fellowship $400 Philosophy Edward E, Anderson Fellowship $400 Cornelius M. DeBoe Scholarship $300 Romance Languages Winifred E. Jones Scholarship $300 thea cash compensationyat M E N Tsubject D Ethe Y dollars ($85)appointments8, 1930)1 *The thebeginning presentedrate dateAonrecordtheof theR E a month.T(Commission, months PresidentaofDispensaryofMeighty-five the listP CivilIService M a yfor four by date in P P M I 1, is also fortowhich a College of was TheBrenner, AShirley,N T the University. in T E of S Medicine, the President of at University. parenthesisthe theS Cashier B rulesH appointment D E N made by made Secretary O 1930,
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