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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

193°1 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 577 A P P O I N T M E N T S M A D E B Y PRESIDENT K I N L E Y The Secretary presented also for record a l s of appointments made it by the President of the University. Butz, Lewis W., to give instruction in Chemistry in the S u m m e r Session of 1930, on one-half time, beginning June 16 and ending August 9, 1930, at a cash compensation of one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125) for the session. (March 13, 1930)1 Clemens, Eugene Charles, Special Research Graduate Assistant in Ceramic Engineering, in the Engineering Experiment Station, in the College of Engineering, beginning March 1, 1930, and continuing until February 1, 1931, not including July and August, at a cash compensation at the rate of sixty dollars ($60) a month. (March 19, 1930) Coleman, E. C , to give instruction in English, in the S u m m e r Session of 1930, beginning June 16 and ending August 9, 1930, at a cash compensation of three hundred dollars ($300) for the session. (March ao, 1930) Ewer, S. J., to give instruction in Botany in the S u m m e r Session of 1930, on one-half time, beginning June 16 and ending August 9, 1930, at a cash compensation of two hundred dollars ($200) for the session. (March 20, 1930) Evans, Florence, to give instruction in Bacteriology in the S u m m e r Session of 1930, on one-half time, beginning June 16 and ending August 9, 1930, at a cash compensation of one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125) for the session. (March ao, 1930) Gall, Jean, Stenographer, in the Comptroller's Office, for five months beginning April 1, 1930, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred five dollars ($105) a month. (March 13, 1930) Houghton, N . D., to give instruction in Political Science in the S u m m e r Session of 1930, beginning June 16 and ending August 9, 1930, at a cash compensation of seven hundred dollars ($700) for the session (this supersedes his previous appointment). (March 20, 1930) McLellan, Elleine H., (Mrs.), to give instruction in Library Science in the Summer Session of 1930, beginning June 16 and ending August 9, 1930, at a cash compensation of four hundred dollars ($400) for the session. (March 13, 1930) Nelson, Tell, Instructor in Internal Medicine, in the College of Medicine, beginning April 15, 1930, and continuing until September 1, 1930, without salary. (April 7, 1930) " Nolan, A. W., to give instruction in Agricultural Education in the S u m m e r Session of 1930, beginning June 16 and ending August 9, 1930, at a cash compensation of seven hundredfiftydollars ($75°) for the session. (March 20, 1930) Sass, E m m a A., Typist and Filing Clerk, in the Order Department of the Library, beginning March 10, 1930, and continuing until August 31, 1930, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation at the rate of seventy-five dollars ($75) a month. (March 13, 1930) Scott, Hortense, Payroll Clerk in the Business Office, beginning April 8, 1930, and continuing until September 1, 193c, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred dollars ($100) a month (this supersedes her previous appointment). (March 29, 1930) Shelton, Wilma Loy, to give instruction in Library Science in the S u m m e r Session of 1930, beginning June 16 and ending August 9, 1930, at a cash compensation of five hundred dollars ($500) for the session. (March 31, 1930) Stanley, W . M., to give instruction in Chemistry in the S u m m e r Session of 1930, beginning June 16 and ending August 9, 1930, at a cash compensation of four hundred fifty-eight dollars and thirty-five cents ($458.35) for the session. (March 13, 1930) Walons, Marie, Telephone Switchboard Operator and Stenographer, in the Chicago Purchasing Office, for six months beginning March 1, 1930, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation at the rate of ninety dollars ($90) a month. (March 13, 1930) Walter, Mabel R., to give instruction in Zoology, in the S u m m e r Session of 1930, University. Juneparenthesis session. date on 13, 1930) compensation of made by the lThe dollars ($250)and ending August 9, 1930, at a the appointment was two hundred President of beginning in 16 for the is the (March which cash fifty date
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