Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

562 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 9 i. A n agreement with the Agricultural and Scientific Bureau N . V. Potash Export M y . of Amsterdam for an investigation by the Agricultural Experiment Station of the use of potash salts as fertilizers. The original agreement was for a period of one year beginning April i, 1929 (Minutes, page 197). I have authorized its extension for such a period as funds are provided for this purpose. 1. A n agreement with the R u h m Phosphate and Chemical Company for an investigation of the use of phosphate rock as fertilizer. The original agreement was approved by the Board on February 13, 1929 (Minutes, page 135). I have authorized the extension of the original agreement until February 1, 1931. 3. A n agreement with the National W a r m Air Heating & Ventilating Association for a cooperative investigation of warm air furnaces. The original contract for this investigation was approved July 17, 1918, and was subsequently extended at various times. I have authorized its further extension to April 1, 1931. O n m o t i o n of M r . Trees, this action w a s confirmed. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS (27) T h e following report from the Comptroller of contracts a n d purchase orders executed since the last report w a s m a d e : CONTRACTS EXECUTED BY THE COMPTROLLER MARCH 6, /pjo, TO APRIL 4, 1930 Contract executed under special authorization of the Board of Trustees in meeting of M a r c h 11, 1930, recorded in minutes on pages 543 and 544: Name Amount Date Item General Chemical Company Contract prices, February 3, 1930 Purchase of adds for year endestimated total, ing February 28, 1931 received by the Name Date Purpose $2 500 University Illinois Central Railroad ComApril 3, 1930 For of the Board of Cooperative research agreement executed on special authorization cooperative investigation $7 000 pany and Locomotive Firebox of page locomotive equipped Trustees in meeting of M a r c h 11, 1930, recorded in minutes on steam 540: Company of Chicago with a Nicholson Thermic Amount to be Syphon, by University EngiM i n o r contract executed under general regulations: neering Experiment Station. Name Amount Date Item n Leonard Seed Company $180 00 March 4, 1930 Purchase of onion seed a d sale of onion gets. PURCHASE ORDERS ISSUED IN MARCH AMOUNTING TO $r 000 OR MORE Vendor W . A. Pickering Moser Paper Company Sprasue Sells Corporation Item Heifers Paper Canning Equipment Amount Department $1359 00 Animal Husbandry 2565 00 Office Supply Store 1560 00 Horticulture 1397 7o Horticulture 1123 29 Publicity Appropriation Made in Budget Fr o Beef Cattle Station Office Supply Store Agricultural Special Equipment Pomology College Publicity Procedure Quoted Price 1 Competitive* Quoted Price* Quoted Price* Quoted Price1 John Bean Manufactur- Spraying ing Company Equipment Distributing Western Newspaper Approved by President Kinley. 'Authorized by Board of Trustees, March 11, 1930. H. M. Edwards Purchasing A gent T h i s r e p o r t w a s r e c e i v e d for r e c o r d .