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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

193°1 UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS 559 poses and the cost is to be charged to the appropriation made to the Department and College for equipment. I recommend approval. O n motion of M r . Trees, this purchase w a s authorized. PRINTING OF MAPS FOR SOIL. SURVEY REPORTS (13) The Comptroller recommends that a contract for printing 5,000 maps each of Jackson, Ford, and Fayette Counties for the soil survey be awarded to the Eastern Offset, Inc., of Baltimore, at an estimated price of $3,210. An appropriation for this printing has been made in the budget for this year. I recommend approval. O n motion of M r . Armstrong, this contract w a s authorized. PURCHASE OF LIQUID AIR COMPRESSOR (14) A report that I have authorized the purchase of a liquid air compressor for the Physical Plant from the Norwalk Company at a price of $4,085, plus freight and installation costs. The Purchasing Agent secured two quotations on this equipment; the one from the Norwalk Company, and the other from the Air Reduction Sales Company of Chicago. The latter quoted a price of 812,400 f.o.b. N e w York City. There do not seem to be any other manufacturers of this type of equipment. An appropriation for this equipment was made in the budget for the current year. O n motion of M r . Armstrong, this action w a s confirmed. INSTALLATION OF SPRAYING EQUIPMENT IN HORTICULTURE EXPERIMENT ORCHARDS (15) On March 11, 1930 (Minutes, page 543) the Board authorized the purchase of spraying machinery for the Department of Horticulture at a total cost of $1,397.70. Provision was made for the purchase of this equipment in the present budget. This is stationary equipment and requires piping connections to different points of the orchard to make it useful. The estimate of the cost of this equipment did not include installation costs. The Dean of the College of Agriculture now requests authority to expend $1,247.59 from the funds appropriated for special equipment for the College of Agriculture for pipe and labor required for the installation of this spraying equipment. O n motion of Dr. Noble, this authority w a s granted. STREET CAR TRACKS ACROSS CAMPUS (16) I present a statement concerning the "Oregon Street line" across the campus, and request that a hearing be granted to Mr. J. D. McKee, representing the Illinois Power and Light Corporation. This hearing w a s granted, a n d M r . M c K e e w a s introduced. M r . M c K e e presented a request that the permit to operate the streetcar line across the c a m p u s , k n o w n locally as the "Oregon Street line," be extended for a period of five years, a n d retired. This matter w a s discussed. O n motion of M r . Armstrong, the Board declined to extend the permit as requested. REPORT OF FATIGUE PHENOMENA OF METALS RESEARCH (17) A report from the Dean of the College of Engineering that the specific problems for whose solution was undertaken the cooperative investigation known as "The Fatigue Phenomena of Metals," which has been in progress since 1919, have been solved and that all contributions received for this investigation have been expended. This work was authorized by the Board on October 4, 1919 (Minutes, page 572), at the request of the Engineering Foundation and was continued through a supplementary contract with the General Electric Company approved by the Board September
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