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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 549 E X E C U T I V E C O M M I T T E E M E E T I N G , M A R C H ai, 1930 A meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees o the University of I l n i was held at the Union League Club, in Chilios cago, at 2:30 p.m. on Friday, March 21, 1930. Mr. George A. Barr, Chairman, Mrs. Laura B. Evans, and Mr. James W . Armstrong, members of the committee, and President Kinley were present. MATTERS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY The Executive Committee considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. SICK LEAVE FOR DEAN KETCHUM (1) A recommendation that Dean Ketchum be given sick leave of absence, with pay, beginning March 21, 1930. O n motion of M r . Armstrong, this leave w a s granted, the date of D e a n K e t c h u m ' s return to duty to be determined b y the President of the University. SICK LEAVE FOR PROFESSOR PARMELEE (2) A request from Professor Parmelee, endorsed by Dean Ketchum, for permission to be absent from duty with pay, from March 29 to April 19, 1930, inclusive, in order that he may submit to medical examination and treatment. I recommend that this request be granted. O n motion of M r s . E v a n s this leave w a s granted. APPOINTMENTS IN PHYSICS (3) A request for authority to appoint Dr. James H. Bartlett Assistant Professor of Physics at a cash compensation of $3,000, and Dr. Gerald M . Alby Associate in Physics at a cash compensation not to exceed $2,500, both for one year beginning September 1, 1930. O n motion of M r s . E v a n s , this authority w a s granted. APPOINTMENTS TO THE FACULTY FOR 1 930-31 (4) I request approval of the following major appointments to the staff for 1930-31: 1. Professor Horace Ainsworth Eaton of Syracuse University to be Visiting Professor of English for the second half of 1930-31, or forfivemonths from February 1, 1931, at a salary of $650 a month. 2. Professor Marcel Jean Moraud, Head of the Department of Romance Languages at Rice Institute, Houston, Texas, to be Professor of Romance Languages on indefinite tenure beginning September 1, 1930, at a cash compensation of $6,000 a year. 3. Associate Professor Charles M . Kneien of the University of Nebraska to be Assistant Professor of Political Science for one year beginning September 1, 1930, at a cash compensation of $3,400 a year. 4. Dr. Charles S. Hyneman of Syracuse University to be Assistant Professor of Political Science for one year beginning September 1, 1930, at a cash compensation of $3,200 a year. O n motion of M r . Armstrong, these recommendations were concurred in. FUNDS FROM THESTUDENTS' MUTUAL BENEFIT HOSPITAL FUND FOR T H E EXPENSES OF MCKINLEY HOSPITAL (5) The Trustee of the Students' Mutual Benefit Hospital Fund, Dean Thomas Afkle Clark, offers $5,500 from that fund towards the operating expenses of the McKinley Hospital for the current year. This procedure is in accordance with the regulations
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