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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1928] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 53 PURCHASE ORDERS ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER AMOUNTING TO $1000 OR M O R E Department Firm Description McKinlcy Hospital Model Laundry Laundry for Year 1928-29 Company Physical Plant Field and Shorb Fittings Military Band De Moulin Bros. Band Uniforms1 and Company Supervising Schmidt, Garden Services of Architect— Architect & Erikson Materials Testing Laboratory Military Band De Moulin Bros. Band Uniforms1 and Company Animal Husbandry HarBchberger's Shelled Corn Elevator Co. *To be paid for by individual members of Band. Amount #2500 00 1750 00 1425 00 1000 00 Procedure Quoted Competitive Quoted Arranged by Supervising Architect Quoted Quoted 1802 25 1275 00 H. M. Edwards, Purchasing Agent This report was received for record. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT (11) The report of the Comptroller for the quarter ending September 30, 1928. QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES QUARTER ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1928 SUMMARY Reserve and Contingent F u n d T h e unappropriated balance of the Reserve and Contingent Fund (estimated excess of income of the year over appropriations) at the close of the quarter was $215,605, as per Schedule A. T h e balance at the corresponding date a year ago w a s $368,378. Budget Income Realization of the budget income for the quarter as per Schedule B w a s as follows: Per Cent of Year's Estimate Realised Estimate This Same Date For Year Year Last Year State Appropriations for Operation (per cent realized represents portion expended to September 30, 1928) $4 500 000 25.1 22.7 Federal Funds 438075 47.0 49.7 Student Fees 850 000 41.3 41.3 Agricultural Sales Credited to Revolving Accounts 124860 23.0 19.5 Credited to Agricultural Income 131 700 24.1 22.4 Miscellaneous Sales and Receipts 00000 21.3 22.0 Treasurer's Balance T h e balance in alt funds in the hands of the University Treasurer at the close of the quarter, allowing for outstanding warrants, w a s $1,268,570, Schedule D. O n the corresponding date a year ago, the balance was $1,116,847. Budget Expenditures Board appropriations to departments for the current fiscal year total $5,061,481, including salaries $3,921,228, expense and equipment $2,040,253. These were 19.5% expended at the end of the quarter, and 2.4% encumbered. (Includwere 18.9% expended n the3.1% encumbered. a year ago these appropriations ed in Schedule C ) . O and corresponding date
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