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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

538 board of trustees [March n PETITION FOR SUNDAY SPORTS (i) A sealed letter addressed to the Board, and a letter to the President of the University: March 7, 1930 Dear Members of the Board of Trustees: The members of the Interfraternity Council, which i composed of the house s presidents of 76 fraternities and a junior representative from each of the 76 houses unanimously voted to ask your permission for Sunday recreation at the University. This representative student body feels that i the University's golf course and f tennis courts, were opened from one o'clock until evening that it would not interfere with any church services or meetings. Investigations have shown that but very seldom any church function is carried on during the afternoon on Sundays. A n investigation also showed that the students of the University are at want for some activity on Sunday afternoon, as now their only form of recreation is the movies. The Interfraternity Council by asking the Board of Trustees for such permission is in no way trying to violate the spirit of Sunday. They are at the present time working with a committee of ministers to have in each semester a fraternity Sunday which all fraternities will attend in a body, the purpose being to increase the interest of students, which is now lacking in the spiritual side of their life. Since the action of the Interfraternity Council many other organizations have shown a great deal of interest favoring Sunday afternoon recreation. The Daily Illini on their editorial page has written four articles strongly in favor of the petition. Skull and Crescent, a sophomore organization of men, has unanimously favored the plan and various outstanding women have spoken in favor of the idea. Therefore, the Interfraternity Council with such an inclusive consensus of opinion is asking the Board of Trustees to please carefully consider Sunday afternoon recreation which they feel would increase the physical and moral character of all students. March 10, 1930 Respectfully yours, President David Kinley, Blackstone Hotel, Chicago, Illinois Hoelscher, Jr. E. C. My dear President Kinley: (o) fr According to m y promise I a m sending this letter to you with the vote taken in THE INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL the First Council of Woman's League, Monday, March 10th, concerning the matter of using the University athletic grounds on Sundays. The vote was unanimous in favor of the students being permitted to use the athletic grounds on Sundays within restricted hours. The Woman's League wishes to thank you for your interest in this as well as many other affairs of student interest this year. Very respectfully yours, Alberdine Hatcher On motion of Mr. Trees, this matter was referred to the President of the University a n d the Council of Administration for investigation a n d report. President Barr w a s called from the r o o m a n d o n his request M r . Armstrong acted as C h a i r m a n for a short time during the discussion of the above matter. DR. LEE HARRISON METTLER MADE PROFESSOR EMERITUS (2) A recommendation from Dean D. J. Davis, in which I concur, that Dr. Lee Harrison Mettler of Chicago, a former member of the faculty of the College of Medicine, be appointed Professor of Neurology, Emeritus. O n motion of D r . Noble, this recommendation w a s adopted.
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