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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

536 BOAHD OF TRUSTEES [March n DR. CHASE'S ACCEPTANCE OF THE PRESIDENCY The Secretary presented a l t e from Dr. Harry Woodburn Chase, etr accepting the Presidency of the University. On motion of Mr. Trees, the Secretary's notice and Dr. Chase's acceptance were made a matter of record. February 20, 1930 Dr. Harry Woodburn Cltase, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina My dear Dr. Chase: The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois has elected you President of the University of Illinois, to serve on an indefinite tenure, at the pleasure of the Board, at a salary of % 20,000 a year. Your term of service is to begin before the opening of the next academic year, the exact date to be fixed in conference with yourself, President Kinley, and the Committee of the Board. Please send m e your formal acceptance for m y files. Sincerely yours, H. E. Cunningham Secretary February 24, 1930 Mr. H. E. Cunningham, Secretary Board of Trustees, University of Illinois My dear Mr. Cunningham: I have received your letter of February 20th in which you state that the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois has elected m e to the Presidency of the University of Illinois. It gives m e pleasure in this formal w a y to confirm m y acceptance of this election already sent you by telegram. I a m looking forward with a great deal of pleasure to m y relations with the Board of Trustees and with the members of the faculty and students of the University of Illinois. Cordially yours, H. W. Chase TELEGRAM FROM GOVERNOR GARDNER President Armstrong presented the following telegram received from Governor 0. Max Gardner of North Carolina. Raleigh, North Carolina March 7, 1930 Cltairman of Trustees, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois The Board of Trustees of the University of North Carolina in session extends congratulations to the University of Illinois in the election of Dr. Harry Woodburn Chase to its Presidency but regrets the great loss sustained by the University of North Carolina. 0. Max Gardner Governor, President, E x Officio ELECTION OF OFFICERS On motion of Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Trees was elected to act as chairman of the meeting for the election of the President of the Board. MR. GEORGE A. BARR ELECTED PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD Mr. Armstrong nominated Mr. George A. Barr for the o f c of Presfie ident of the Board of Trustees for one year. On motion of Dr. Noble, the nominations were closed and the Secretary was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of the Board
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