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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i93o] UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS 531 BIDS ON HARDWARE FOR CHEMISTRY ANNEX January 11, 1930 Holder Hardware Company, Bloomington, 111 $i 600 00 Carl J. Werner, Danville, 111 1 940 00 Sargent & Company, Chicago 1 975 00 Thos. Conron Hardware Company, Danville, 111 2 310 00 H e recommends that the contract be awarded to the lowest bidder, the Holder Hardware Company of Bloomington, Illinois, on the basis of their bid of $1,600. I concur. O n motion of D r . Noble, this contract w a s awarded to the Holder H a r d w a r e C o m p a n y , the lowest bidder, as r e c o m m e n d e d . STATUS OF CAPPER-KETCHAM FUNDS (6) The following report from the Comptroller on the estimated income from Federal funds under the Capper-Ketcham act: February 8, 1930 President David Kinley, 355 Administration Building Dear President Kinley: In the budget for the current year, the estimated income from United States under the Capper-Ketcham act was entered as $40,167.48, (Page 273, minutes of July 17, 1929). This sum was appropriated for extension work in Agriculture as per pages 307 and 320 of the same minutes. On June 30, 1929, a balance of $12,571.51 remained unexpended of the CapperKetcham fund for the preceding year. This balance was reappropriated for this work on July 17 (page 271). In view of the fact that this balance remained unexpended on June 30, the federal government has deducted this amount from the amount which would be available for thefiscalyear 1929-1930 under the provision of the act establishing the fund. The total amount which will be paid to us by the federal government for the currentfiscalyear will, therefore, be $40,167.48 less $12,571.51 or a net total of $27,595.97. This amount added to the balance carried forward last year will provide the total necessary to meet the budget of this work for the current year. This makes the gross amount available for the current year $40,167.48 including, rather than in addition to, the unexpended balance carried forward from last year and reappropriated. Cordially yours, Lloyd Morey Comptroller This report was received for record. MR. HUFF'S LEAVE OF ABSENCE WITHDRAWN (7) A statement that Mr. George A. Huff, who was granted leave of absence on February 5, did not care to avail himself of the privilege this year. O n motion of M r . Trees, the action granting leave of absence to M r . Huff w a s , at M r . Huff's request, reconsidered a n d rescinded. A t this point, M r . Blair withdrew. PROPOSED AGREEMENT FOR LICENSE, BUS WELL PROCESS President Armstrong, for the Committee on Patents, presented a proposed form of agreement for the promotion of the Buswell process of cellulose digestion. This matter was discussed, but no action was taken. NEWSPAPER REPRESENTATIVES AT BOARD MEETINGS A request from Mr. D. W . Stevick, publisher of the Champaign News-Gazette, that the press of the state be admitted to all meetings of the Board. O n motion of Mr. Trees, this request was received and placed o n file.
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