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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

193°] UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS 519 Trustees; and i there was an acceptance the Legislature by a special act vacated the f street in question in 1869. In closing I add that were I called on to defend in court, in opposition to the asserted power to open, I should contend, were the holding against m e on the proposition that there has been no acceptance farther west than Romine Street, that the city has abandoned that portion of Main Street which now is a part of Illinois Field, and that the municipality should be estopped from demanding that the street be now opened, a position in the legal soundness of which I have confidence. From what has been said it follows, also, that the University is the owner of the plot of ground over which Main Street, i opened as planned, would be extended, f either under the vacation statute, or through adverse possession for about sixty years. Sveinbjorn Johnson Legal Counsel On motion of Dr. Noble, these letters were received, to be printed in the minutes. PURCHASE OF COAL FOR POWER PLANT (35) A recommendation from the Comptroller, Mr. Lloyd Morey, that the arrangements for the purchase of coal for the Power Plant, approved by the Board on November 15, 1929 (Minutes, page 431), be continued. These arrangements were made in the absence of Mr. Morey on recommendation of the Acting Comptroller, Mr. Edwards, with the proviso that their continuation after February 1, 1930, be subject to confirmation by Mr. Morey on his return. O n motion of M r . Trees, this recommendation w a s approved. LEASE OF PROPERTY AT IIOS WEST NEVADA (NOYES HOUSE) (36) The Comptroller and the Supervising Architect recommend the execution of a contract with Mr. C. M . Brown of Urbana for the lease of the Noyes property for residential purposes for the second semester, or from January 27 to June 27,1930, at a rental of $300, payable in monthly installments of $60 in advance. I recommend approval. O n motion of M r s . E v a n s , this recommendation w a s approved. REFUND OF GIFT FROM AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (37) A request from the American Medical Association that the funds donated by its Committee on Scientific Research to aid Doctor B. Z. Rappaport of the faculty of the College of Medicine in his work on Ascariasis (Minutes, March 12, 1929, page 148) be returned because Doctor Rappaport has not been able to secure the necessary assistance to carry on this work. The Dean recommends that this money be returned. I recommend that the Comptroller be authorized to return the fund to the donors. On motion of Dr. Noble, the return of this fund was authorized. PAVEMENT ON WRIGHT STREET (38) A statement concerning the proposed pavement of Wright Street in Champaign, with opinions of Attorneys General Maloney and Stead, and of Judge J. O. Cunningham on the powers of the Board relative to the dedication of land for such purposes as streets, and a request that a hearing be granted to Mayor Franks and other officials representing the City of Champaign, and that Professor White be requested to be present at the hearing. This request w a s granted. Professor W h i t e c a m e as requested. M a y o r George Franks, M r . A . M . Danely, City Engineer, a n d M r . E . C . Harrington, City Attorney, were introduced. M a y o r Franks m a d e a statement, a n d requested that the University a s s u m e the entire expense ($3000) of the widening of W r i g h t street to 52 feet between Springfield a n d University avenues, because the funds of the City of C h a m p a i g n were not sufficient to permit the charging of this widening to "public benefit." Attorney Harrington m a d e a statement concerning a n exchange of land between C h a m p a i g n a n d the University which is supposed to
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