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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

193°] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 509 APPROPRIATION FOR REPRINTS OF MONOGRAPH ON A STUDY OF SKIN REACTIONS A N D BLOOD CHEMISTRY (12) There will soon appear a monograph by our Doctors W . F. Petersen and S. A. Levinson on "A Correlative Study of Skin Reactions, Blood Chemistry, and the Physical Status of One Hundred So-called Normal Individuals." This is to be published, I understand, as a supplement to the Journal of Infectious Diseases, of which Doctor Hektoen is editor-in-chief. Deans Davis and Daniels urgently request the purchase of a certain number of reprints and ask an appropriation of ?5oo for the purpose. Dean Daniels writes, "Dr. Davis has emphasized the importance of having the reprints for the purpose of giving the monograph the wide circulation that in his opinion it deserves." According to m y understanding, the book will contain 330 pages, including 137 tables and 73 charts. I concur in the recommendation and request an appropriation of ?Joo for this purpose from the Reserve and Contingent Fund. O n motion of M r s . E v a n s , this appropriation w a s m a d e , b y the following vote: A y e , M r . Armstrong, M r . Barr, M r s . Busey, M r s . E v a n s , M r . Fisher, M r s . Grigsby, D r . Noble, M r . Trees; no, n o n e ; absent, M r . Blair, M r . E m m e r s o n , M r . S i m p s o n . TUITION FEE FOR GRADUATE COURSE IN ORTHODONTIA (13) A recommendation from the Dean of the College of Dentistry, concurred in by the Acting Comptroller, that the special tuition fee of $600 per year for the graduate course in Orthodontia, authorized by the Board on July 17, 1929 (Minutes, page 267), be made payable in three parts, thefirstpayment to be at the beginning of the second semester, when the course begins, the second at the beginning of the summer work, and the third at the beginning of thefirstsemester of the next academic year. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Trees, this recommendation was adopted. AGREEMENTS WITH ILLI NOIS CLAY PRODUCTS ASSOCIATION FOR INVESTIGATIONS O F C L A Y S E W E R PIPE (14) A recommendation from the Assistant Dean of the College of Engineering that the agreements with the Illinois Clay Products Association for investigations of clay sewer pipe and jointing materials for clay sewer pipe, approved by the Board on December 11, 1928 (Minutes, page 94), be extended for one year beginning February 1, 1930, by agreement of both parties. I have authorized the extension of these agreements. This report w a s received for record. AGREEMENT WITH AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE FOR INVESTIGATION OF REINFORCED CONCRETE COLUMNS (15) O n recommendation of the Acting Dean of the College of Engineering I authorized the Comptroller and Secretary to execute an agreement between the University and the American Concrete Institute for a proposed cooperative investigation of reinforced concrete columns. The agreement is drawn for a period of two years beginning with the date of its execution, with the understanding that it may be extended for additional periods under such terms as may be mutually agreed upon; and the Institute agrees to pay the University the sum of $2,000 on execution of the agreement and to provide materials and additional funds up to the amount of ?3,ooo as needed throughout the work. This agreement varies from our standard form in two respects, viz: 1. The agreement provides that the conduct of the tests shall be under the full control of the University, as is customary in such agreements, but there is an added provision that the tests shall be "in accordance with an outline to be agreed upon between the Advisory Research Committee and the officers of the Engineering Experiment Station." Dean Jordan states that this is essential in order that the results of one phase of this investigation which is being conducted at Lehigh University may be correlated with those obtained here.
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