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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1930] UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS 507 32. Mary L. Chase, Assistant State Leader and Associate in Home Economics Extension (E) (2 yrs. from September 1, 1929) 3 200 33. Katherine Patterson, Assistant State Leader H o m e Economics Extension (E) (1 yr.) 2 500 34. Grace B. Armstrong, Assistant Professor, Foods and Nutrition Extension (E) (2 yrs. from September 1,1929) 3 000 35. Mary A. Souder, Associate, H o m e Management Extension (E) (2 yrs. from September 1, 1929) 3 000 36. Isabelle M . Hitchcock, Associate, H o m e Furnishings Extension (E) (1 yr.) 2 200 37. Edna R. Gray, Associate in Clothing Extension (E) (2 yrs. from September 1, 1929) 2 900 38. Mary A. McKee, Extension Specialist in Junior Club Work (E) (2 yrs. from September 1, 1929) 2 900 39. Mildred D. Patterson (Mrs.), Extension Specialist in Junior Club Work (E) (1 yr.) 2 000 40. Edna E. Walls, Assistant Professor, Child Care and Training Extension (C & E) (1 yr.) 2 700 (See H o m e Economics 500) (Total salary 3 200) 41. Fannie M . Brooks, Assistant Professor, H o m e Economics Extension ( C & E ) (1 yr.) 2 75° (See H o m e Economics 250) (Total salary 3 000) 42. Ruth Crawford Freeman (new), Extension Specialist in H o m e Accounts (1 yr.) 1 100 (See Purnell 900) (Total salary 2 000) 43. Blanche L. Lewis, Office Assistant (1 yr.) 2 000 44. Alonzella Banta, File Clerk (1 yr.) 1 140 45. Hazel C. Little, Stenographer (1 yr.) 1 140 46. Anna Elizabeth Burns, Stenographer (1 yr.) 1 020 47. Dorine Douthit, Stenographer (1 yr.) 960 48. • , Stenographer (new) (1 yr.) 1 080 49. Libbie M . McNeill, Stenographer and Clerk (1 yr.) 1 520 Total paid by Smith-Lever 22 320 50. Genevieve r m Advisers 960 54. County F a Farris, Stenographer (1 yr.) j 1. Gertrude Hazelton (Mrs.), Stenographer, Q/2 time, 1 yr.) 570 58 @ $720 a year 41 760 52. 37 @ $420 a year2 , Stenographer (J4 time, 1 yr.) 540 15 54° 57 3°°s 53. County counties @ $720 a year from Smith-Lever and U. S. D. A. funds Or 95 H o m e Advisers 22 @ $1500 a year Total Salaries Ji98 280 24 £25,000 is a new state appropriation for the fiscal year July 1, 1929-July lThe @ $i98oayearfromSmith-LeverandStateAppropriation$47 5201, 1930, which is 25 000 paid by LessState Department of Agriculture on the salaries of the home advisers following certification the State Appropriation1 for salary by the Director of Extension. The $ii, 100 Cooperative Demonstration Fund appropriated by the United States Department of Agriculture will be paid directly to the farm advisers thru the Extension Service by the United States Treasury Office as follows: 37 advisers @ £300 $11 loo An additional amount of $200 is available to cover the cost of penalty envelopes and cards for the farm and home advisers, which are purchased by the United States Department of Agriculture and shipped to Illinois 200 Total United States Department of Agriculture .$11 300 'To be increased in June 1930 if any balances are available due to unused salaries accruing from vacancies in the counties. (This does not mean any increase in the salaries of the farm advisers, but an increase in the amount of the advisers' salary paid from federal funds.) This report was received for record.
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