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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I930] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 497 In Bacteriology William Burrows, B.S., Purdue University, 1928 In Botany Gideon Herman Boewe, B.E., Eastern Illinois State Teachers College, 1928 In Chemistry Alamjit Dhaliwal Singh, B.S., 1929 George Edgar Symons, B.S., 1928 In Dairy Husbandry Orlando Ford Garrett, B.S., 1926 Willis Saul, B.S., University of California, 1922 In Education Jacob Roy Byerley, B.S., 1928 Lorenzo Benedicto Paredes, A.B., St. Paul College, 1914, LL.B., Philippine Law Academy, 1917 Charles Wilson Sanford, B.S., 1929 In Electrical Engineering Riichi Okada, B.S., University of Washington, 1928 In Farm Organization and Management Walter William Wilcox, B.S., Iowa State College, 1928 In Geology Hulah Smith, B.S., 1927 In Library Science Christopher Urdahl Faye, A.B., Luther College, 1909, A.M., University of Minnesota, 1924, B.S. in L.S., 1929 In Physics Walter Nelson Smith, B.S., 1925 In Zoology Edwin Lynn Miller, B.S., Iowa Wesleyan College, 1928 Daniel Irvin Rasmussen, B.S., Brigham Young University, 1928 Degree of Doctor of Philosophy In Chemistry Martin Edwin Paul Friedrich, A.B., Augustana College, 1925, M.S., University of Louisville, 1926 Stewart Clark Hussey, B.S., M.S., 1926, 1927 Edward Peter King, B.S., Eureka College, 1926, M.S., 1927 Oscar Edward Kurt, A.B., Columbia College, 1926, M.S., 1927 Bill Harry Mackey, B.S., M.S., University of Denver, 1927, 1928 Robert William Maxwell, B.S., M.S., University of Nebraska, 1925, 1926 Wendell William Moyer, B.S., Findlay College, 1924, A.B., 1926, M.S., 1927 Charles Wesler Scull, B.S., Earlham College, 1926, M.S., -1927 John Alvan Sellers, A.B., Manchester College, 1922, A.M., 1927 Everett Jesse Shaw, B.S., 1926 Horace Avery Stearns, B.S., Oregon Agricultural College, 1926, M.S., 1927 Ernest Gardiner Walters, B.S., M.S., 1926, 1927 Mortimer Alexander Youker, B.S., M.S., 1926, 1927 In Classics Henry Wilbur Kamp, A.B., A.M., 1917, 1918 In Economics Marcelino Bernardo y Velasquez, B.S.C, University of the Philippines, 1925, A.M., 1926
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