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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

44 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 13 M A T T E R S P R E S E N T E D B Y P R E S I D E N T KINLEY The Executive Committee considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. SALE OF ARBOR STREET HOUSE (1) The Supervising Architect and Comptroller report that pursuant to the authorization of the Board of Trustees at the September meeting to advertise and sell to the highest bidder the house at 1115 Arbor Street, Champaign, they advertised the house and received only one proposal—from Mr. E. L. Allen, who offered $80 for the house and agreed to remove all debris, provided that he be permitted to work out the amount of the purchase price. They accepted this proposal as i is practicable and i is important that the house be removed. t t Mr. Allen has been from time to time employed by the University. This report w a s received for record. APPOINTMENT OF DR. E. T. HILLER AS ACTING HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY (2) O n recommendation of Dr. A. H. Daniels, then Acting Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, in August, on the occasion of the death of Professor Hayes, I appointed Dr. E. T. Hiller, Associate in Sociology, Acting Head of the Department of Sociology until further notice. Dean Babcock has considered the matter since his return, and, at his request, I now recommend that Dr. E. T. Hiller be promoted to the rank of Assistant Professor and that his salary be made $3,250 instead of $3,000 for the current academic year, beginning September 1, and that he be made Acting Head of the Department for the year. O n motion of M r . Trees, this appointment was made. REBATE ON FREIGHT PAID ON COAL (3) The Illinois Commerce Commission has recently ordered certain reductions in freight rates on coal shipped into Champaign and Urbana, effective the middle of October. Under the law, the rates may, by order of the Commission, be made retroactive over a two-year period, and the carriers concerned required to refund the difference on all coal snipped by them into this territory during that period. The University did not join with the complainants, who were local coal dealers, but may become a beneficiary of the Commission's action on proper application. I request that this application be authorized, and that the Legal Counsel be directed to take the necessary steps to institute the proper proceedings. O n motion of M r . Trees, this recommendation was adopted. SALARY OF MRS. N. S. TALBOT (4) Dean Noyes makes a very urgent request that the salary of Mrs. N. S. Talbot, who holds the position of Assistant to the Dean and Associate in English, be made $3,500, beginning September 1 of this year. After a prolonged discussion of the matter with Dean Noyes, I concur in this recommendation. O n motion of M r . Trees, this recommendation w a s approved. GIFT OF MEDICAL BOOKS (5) A Chicago physician, a member of the class of 1902, and one-time Instructor in Surgery (1902-04) in the College of Medicine, has offered his professional library, consisting largely of surgical works, to the University. I recommend that the University accept this gift, and that the books be placed in the Library of the College of Medicine with an appropriate label or plate in each book. O n motion of M r . Trees, this recommendation w a s adopted.
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