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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

4oS board of trustees COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS A N D SCIENCES [October 10 Degree of Bachelor of Arts In Liberal Arts and Sciences Marion Alexander MartinAnnabel Barthel Viola Nellie Eloise Neely Raymond Elias Bell Isabelle Anna Nicolet Nicholas William Birkhoff, Jr. Marion Parker Egbert Orlando Blackman Elizabeth Jane Parriott Frances Elizabeth Boyer Arline Gunning Peter George Freeman Brooks Alvena Dorothea Reichmann Velma Ruth BrownMildred Florence Rusk Charles Edward Canney Helen May Schneider Edgar Maurice Dutour Dorothy Marie Severn gwendolyne marjorie ehlers Robert Deforest Shattuck David William Fey Frances Sidney Siegel David Fisher George Milton Silberg CoRDILENE GUSTAVA FLOWERS Edith Eleanor Sklovsky William John Fulton, Jr. Mary Olive Speer Elwood Deacon Godman William Alfred Stephenson Pearle Harshbarger Barbara Clara Stiegemeyer Marie Huber Helen Vera Strano Richard Morris Hughes Helen Vera Straus Paul Hadley Jones Everett Lee Strohl Charles Farmer Kinney Edward Franklin Thompson, Jr. Morey Lapin Gwendolyn Anne Walls Carl Leonard Larson, Jr. Degree Lyle Kenneth Virginia Stewart McEachern of Bachelor of Science Wheadon Home Economics John Savage McHenry In Liberal Arts and Sciences Rollie Melville Harrison In William EdwardZwermann Olga Josephine Pollard In Chemistry Virginia Mumford James Harry Devine Thomas Allen Turner COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Degree of Bachelor of Science In Accountancy George J Goldstein . Paul H. Staidke In Banking and Finance John H. Orr Charles Russel Huegely In General Business Gerald Doolen Cox Dalton Irwin Harold Stephen Critchlow Norris E. Jones Norman Adolph Glantz John Albert Kiedaisch, Jr. Marion J Goold . Hsing Po Ting James Ernest Tripp In General Railway Administration George Louis Homer In Industrial Administration Raymond Henry Goebel William Orvis Kirkpatrick In Commerce and Law Edgar Oliver Zimmer
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