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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

402 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 10 SIGNATURES OF PRESIDENT A N D SECRETARY OF THE BOARD (15) A request from M r . H. M . Edwards, Acting Comptroller, for instructions as to whether his appointment as Acting Comptroller carries with it the authority to sign the names of the President and the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, in accordance with the action of the Board of Trustees on March 12, 1929. O n m o t i o n of D r . N o b l e it w a s voted that in the opinion of the B o a r d the authorization of M a r c h 12, 1929, applies to the Acting Comptroller during the t i m e the Comptroller is o n his leave of a b sence granted b y the B o a r d . ENTRY OF APPEARANCE IN THE PROBATE OF THE WILL OF MARGARET McCARTNEY (16) A notice from the Chicago Title and Trust Company that the will of Margaret McCartney, deceased, a former resident of Oak Park, has named the University of Illinois as a contingent beneficiary. Under the terms of the will the residuary estate of a present value of $15,000 or $20,000 is bequeathed to the Chicago Title and Trust Company, the income to be paid to certain persons during their lives and on the death of the last survivor the principal and accumulated income to be turned over to the Foundlings H o m e of Chicago and the Illinois Children's H o m e and Aid Society. T h e will provides that if these organizations are not in existence, or if there be no non-sectarian institution organized for the same purpose to which the fund can be paid, the Trustee shall pay it to the University of Illinois. The Chicago Title and Trust Company submitted a form of appearance with the request that it be executed by the Board of Trustees. President Armstrong signed it for the Board. O n m o t i o n of M r . Fisher, the action of the President of the B o a r d in this m a t t e r w a s confirmed. CLAIM OF CORNELIUS E. O'DONNELL FOR REFUND OF FEES ON ACCOUNT OF MILITARY SCHOLARSHIP (17) A request from Mr. C. E. O'Donnell, a senior in the University, for a remission of the matriculation and incidental fees paid by him during his first three years in the University. This request is filed in connection with his application for a military scholarship to be effective beginning the year he entered the University, since he was eligible to receive one at that time but failed, through ignorance of his rights, to apply. The Legal Counsel advises that Mr. O'Donnell is clearly entitled to the scholarship under the law and to a refund of the fees paid by him. O n m o t i o n of M r . S i m p s o n , this refund w a s authorized. MILK DEALERS' ASSOCIATION'S RESEARCH ASSISTANTSHIP IN DAIRY HUSBANDRY (18) T h e Board has accepted an offer of the International Association of Milk Dealers to establish a two-year Special Research Assistantship in Dairy Husbandry for the study of factors affecting the marketability offluidmilk. (Minutes, July 7, 1929, page 268). The customary agreement was drawn up for this investigation. This agreement includes the following statement: "It is agreed by the International Association of Milk Dealers, 228 North LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois, that they will not under any circumstances use the name of the University of Illinois in any advertisement, whether with reference to the cooperative agreement or any other matter." The Head of the Department of Dairy Husbandry raised the following question with reference to this paragraph: " A question has been raised regarding the meaning of this paragraph. Is it the intent of this ruling to prevent the use of a reference to a bulletin or article which might be published by some division of the University, in any advertising material? As an example, the Milk Council of Chicago published an advertisement a short time ago in which they made reference to certain facts as published in Bulletin No. 318, of others, not of would according to their an question, theyMilk Dealers shouldenjoy." agreement Illinois. the paragraph under Association under Experiment Station, University ofcontaining If the International the Agricultural contract, could sign contract be giving up certain privileges which
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