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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

39% BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 10 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING, SEPTEMBER 30, 1329 The Secretary presented the minutes of a meeting of the Executive Committee, as given below. On motion of Mr. Trees, these minutes were received for record. A meeting of the Executive Committee was held in the office of Mr. Merle J. Trees, in Chicago, at 9 o'clock a.m. on Monday, September 30, 1929. M r . James W . Armstrong, chairman, Mrs. Helen M . Grigsby, M r . Merle J. Trees, and President David Kinley were present. The Executive Committee considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS FOR THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE (1) For the past few years the number of students seeking admission to the College of Medicine whose credentials were entirely satisfactory has been beyond the capacity of the College. A large number who seek admission are rejected, of course, because they cannot meet the educational requirements. The excess to which I have reference is composed entirely of people who have met our requirements. About 175 of these were on our waiting list the other day and some of them have been on that waiting list for a year. This situation has been very distressing to m e and of course to the applicants and their friends, and I have frequently cast about for some way of easing the situation temporarily until our proposed new buildings are up. The entrance requirements of the College of Dentistry have been raised to include two years of college work. As usual when the requirements are increased, prospective attendance in the College of Dentistry has largely fallen off. This will doubtless be the case for a year or two until those desiring admission have prepared themselves to meet the additional requirements. I have conferred with the Dean of the College of Medicine, the Heads of the Departments especially involved, and with Professor White, Supervising Architect, concerning the utilization of the space hitherto thus occupied for the use of medical students during the coming year. W e are all agreed that by adding somewhat to our staff and equipment and making some changes in the physical plant, a considerable number of those on our waiting list can be accommodated. It is our opinion that these temporary provisions will carry us through until the time of the completion of our new buildings. Therefore, I beg leave to make the following recommendations: 1. That authority be given the President of the University to add to the staff in physiological chemistry to the extent of one or more individuals at a salary or salaries not exceeding $3,000 for the current academic year and that an appropriation of that amount be made for this purpose. O n motion of M r . Trees, this recommendation was approved. The appropriation was made by the following vote: Aye, M r . Armstrong, Mrs. Grigsby, M r . Trees. 2. That the sum of J 1,000 be appropriated for desk equipment and materials made necessary by the proposed addition to the student body. O n motion of Mrs. Grigsby, this recommendation was adopted. The appropriation was made by the following vote: Aye, M r . Armstrong, Mrs. Grigsby, M r . Trees. 3. That authority be given the President of the University to add to the staff of the Department of Anatomy to the extent of one or more individuals at a salary or salaries not exceeding J 1,600 for the current year and that an appropriation of that amount be made for this purpose. O n motion of M r . Trees, this authority was granted. The appropriation was made by the following vote: Aye, M r . Armstrong, Mrs. Grigsby, M r . Trees. 4. That an appropriation of $500 be made to the expense budget of the Department of Anatomy for wages for additional assistants and for the purpose of securing additional cadavers. The Supervising Architect informs m e that he can provide from money already appropriated for physical plant extension for the necessary changes of desks, putting floorse motion by the following similarAye, Mr. further provision in The r . Trees. ation was made ofcondition andnecessarymatters.Armstrong,approved. the Mapproprimester. in proper Mrs. Grigsby,vote:recommendation was Mrs. Grigsby, second seO n shall probablyfindit this to make W
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