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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

376 B O A R D OF TRUSTEES [September 18 Summer Session Surplus Winter Term Surplus: September 12 to October 15, 1928 October 15 to November 15, 1928 November 15 to December 15, 1928 December 15 to January 15, 1929 January 15 to February 15, 1929 February 15 to March 15, 1929 March 15 to April 15, 1929 April 15 to May 15, 1929 M a y 15 to June 15, 1929 Total SurplusfromOperations 1028-20 to June is. 1020... Add: Forfeited Deposits Appendix I RESIDENCE HALLS SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS 1928-29 Woman's Residence Halls $1 473 34 5 983 80 5 990 58 5 991 82 3 526 39 6 786 75 5 205 31 7 322 80 6 188 42 4 654 62 53 123 83 670 00 53 793 83 Davenport House Total $1 473 34 6 920 88 6 973 03 6 959 90 3 988 22 7 858 13 6 123 22 8416 20 7 201 24 5 327 32 61 241 48 760 00 62 001 48 $937 08 982 43 968 08 461 83 1 °7» 38 917 91 I 093 40 1 012 82 672 70 8 117 65 90 00 8 207 65 Deduct: Extraordinary Repairs, Equipment, Remodeling, and Improvements—August 15-September 12, 1928 17 719 14 5 671 95 23 391 09 Unused 1028-20 Surplus from Operations 36 074 69 2 535 70 38 610 39 Add: Balance forward June 15, 1928 114 886 01 9 904 07 124 790 08 Surplus as at June is, 1920 $150 960 70 $12 439 77 £163 400 47 Appendix II STATEMENT OF MEMORIAL STADIUM FUND AS AT JUNE 30, 1929 Receipts and Disbursements July 1, 1028 Prior to to July 1, 1028 June 30,1020 Total to Date •Deduction due to repayment of loan. Receipts be refunded by Athletic Association. 'To From Subscriptions received for record. #1 663 030 45 $9 067 90 $1 672 098 35 This report was From Donations ? 008 12 63 80 5 071 92 From Interest 26 451 49 657 57 27 109 06 From Loans 44 000 00 11 500 00* 32 500 00 Total Receipts 1 738 490 06 1 710 73* 1 736 779 33 Disbursements Office Collection Expense 96 871 96 8 71 Construction I 735 °35 78 I 735 635 78 Total Disbursements $1 735 *35 78 $96 87 $1 735 732 65 BalanceofSheetInstallments Cash PastPayable (including Unpaid Pledges) over Li- $484 781 5° 488 046 04 £456 500 59 Excess TotalInstallments LiabilitiesDue 1 046 Association Assets from Pledge Installments for Office Expense... abilitiesAssets Due Cash and Surplus Notes Athletic 68 Future Assets Balance 3 380 54 £1 162 68 $489 805 00 96 871 32 3°5 S9
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