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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

374 board of trustees [September 18 Schedule F SUMMARY OF TRUST ENDOWMENT FUNDS AS AT JUNE 30, 1 2 99 Separate Investments Croup and InvestCash Total Receivables ments Balances Professorial and Lectureship Endowments J119 686 16 $104 952 36 £14 686 16 $47 64 Student Loan Endowments 179 797 76 165 212 20 14 585 56 Scholarship, Fellowship and Prize Endowments.. 84 556 27 27 427 17 57 129 10 Miscellaneous Endowments 80 030 71 73 550 00 6 480 71 Schedule G070 90 371 141 73 78 295 97 14 633 20 Sub-total 464 S Subject Y OF E P E N D A B L E DS Cash BalancesU M M A R to GroupXInvestment... TRUST A N D SPECIAL F U N-55 69 S5 69 AS A T JUNE 30, 1929 £371 141 73 $78 240 28 $14 688 89 Grand Total $464 070 90 Balance Disburse- Balance July 1, TQ28 Receipts ments June 30, 1929 Professorial and Lectureship Endowment Income $3 028 94 $6 433 9i $7 599 08 $1 864 77 Student Loan Endowments Income (subject to annuity) 27s 69 253 51 257 59 271 61 Scholarship, Fellowship and Prize Endowments Income 2 391 12 3 868 00 3 878 94 2 380 18 Miscellaneous Endowments Income.... 3 577 98 4 704 16 6 271 78 2 010 36 Building and Improvement Funds 747 69 558 25 632 24 673 70 1Removed from University Accounts during 1928-29. Research Donations 27 519 69 125 658 25 n o 168 54 43 009 40 Scholarship, Fellowship, and Prize Donations... 4 306 04 10 108 72 8 513 10 5 901 66 Other Expendable Funds 34 241 80 23 338 54. 20 608 25 36 972 09 Deposit Funds 13 492 54 75 422 60 76 418 59 12 496 55 University Organizations' Funds 8 396 93 21 274 65 29 67T 581 Grand Total #97 978 42 #271 620 59 £264 018 69 #105 580 32
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