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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 373 Schedule E STATEMENT OF THE STORES AND REVOLVING ACCOUNTS AS AT JUNE 30, 1 2 99 Credits from Department Balance DisburseRequisitions July r, 102& ments and Sales Balance June jo, 1020 Storerooms Chicago General Stores { 1 060 70 $10 726 04 $ 8 093 22 f 3 693 52 > General Chemical Stores 35 102 08 49 984 48 58 734 36) General Chemical Stores Overhead 470269 J 3105489 Office Supply Stores 19 104 42 57 367 25 60 017 08 ) ,„ B_. Office Supply Stores Overhead 3 494 40 73 501 Physical Plant Stores 35 ioi 63 112 660 56 104 447 391 .„ I10 ,. Physical Plant Stores Overhead 7 H 3 28 1 347 83) Postage 1 14* si 840 52 21 667 47 171 91 Storage Coal 8 874 99 108 473 52 108 137 03 9 211 48 Total, Storerooms (99 242 68) (376 392 74) (362 517 88H113 " 7 S4) Service Departments Applied Chemistry Testing 124 32 4 306 83 5 22; 00 793 85* Blueprinting 1 466 77* 2 950 69 3 204 35 1 720 43* Photography 179 66 6 369 32 7 497 02 948 04* Chicago Print Shop 443 79 3 217 16 3 717 55 56 60* Chicago Job System 1 237 63* 84 674 04 83 592 11 155 70* Chicago Animal Hospital 21 68 5 13944 5 18048 1936* Physical Plant Job System •Credit Balance. 17 930 75 827 120 73 799 748 94 45 302 54 Physical Plant Job System Overhead.. 520 20* 10 020 38 9 541 89 41 71* I-abor Pay Roll 402 54 507 43* 58 508 997 87 1 158 75* Organic Chemical Manufactures 1 580 58 8 379 38 10 994 62 1 034 66* Print Shop 6 26; 78 91 760 81 95 620 01 2 406 58 Stenographic Bureau 6 902 06 6 002 06 Total, Service Departments (23 724 50) (1 558 277 42) (1 540 221 00) (41 780 02) Revolving Accounts Library Science Outlines 215 00 16439 SI SI Tabulating Machine Operation 381 14 So 10 69* Military Overcoats 448 29* 2 942 00 3 390 29* Military Uniforms 485 28* 12 794 79 14 253 83 1 944 32* Vending Machines 213 08* 583 00 338 61 313' Total, Revolving Accounts (1 146 65*) (13 597 5°) (17 7'3 33) (5 2fi2 48*) Grand Total £121 820 53 $1 948 267 66 $1 920 453 11 $149 63s 08
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