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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

362 board of trustees [September 18 4. All rights and claims of any employee in or to death benefits and retiring allowances as aforesaid shall cease with the termination of such services whether such termination is voluntary or otherwise. A D O P T E D , June 4, 1929. Attest O. A. Harker Secretary On motion of Mr. Trees, this resolution was approved. PERQUISITES OF AGRICULTURAL EMPLOYEES (18) A list of employees in the College of Agriculture w h o are furnished houses and other perquisites in addition to a cash compensation: Total cost of House Rent Water Light Feed Position to the Animal Husbandry T. L. Munson $1 wage Estimated value£ 8 $360 Cash740 of items furnished by University $2 '54 University 1 $6 3 W . J. Hampton 2 040 2 424 30 3 1 8 3 6 J. L. Heddins 1 740 2 154 30 6 1 8 3 6 Silas Kilton 1 740 2 124 30 3 1 8 3 6 George Potta 2 040 » 334 20 4 1 8 3 6 Alex Edgar 1 800 2 IJ4 30 0 1 8 3 6 John Rains 1 800 2 143 30 0 1 8 2 5 Agronomy William Wood 1 200 240! I 494 1 8 3 6 Dairy Husbandry John Palfrey 1 680 2 IU 40 2 r 8 3 6 jo S W . J. Huck 1 440 1 596 10 2 1 8 1 8 Nelson Mosser 1 620 1 740 10 2 Horticulture James Boyer 1 440 240J 1 680 Walter Young 1 200 120* I 338 1 8 Frederick Snell 1 3S0 180' I 578 1 8 Ralph Chaplin 1 320 l8o» 1 500 ^Telephone. *House and telephone. •Living quarters (two rooms) and use of telephone; light. *Living quarters (three rooms) and use of telephone; light. 6House; water; telephone. T h i s report w a s received for record. REQUEST FOR DEFERMENT OF INTEREST PAYABLE ON PREFERRED STOCK OF THE URBANA COKE CORPORATION (29) T h e following letter from Professor S. W . Parr, requesting that the interest on the Preferred stock of the Urbana Coke Corporation, become cumulative December 1, 1929 instead of December 1, 1926, as provided in the original contract: June 15, 1929 President David Kinley, University of Illinois Dear President Kinley: You will recall the provision in the contract between the University and the Urbana Coke Corporation wherein it was stated that the interest, six per cent, on the preferred stock should be cumulative beginning December 1, 1926. W h a t would you think of the propriety of asking the Board of Trustees to authorize a change of date to read December 1, 1929? I can see no possible chance that any revenue m a y accrue soon on account of the coking process; certainly not before a year from December 1, 1929. I shall be exceedingly happy i an industrial installation is even ready for operation by that time. f The Urbana Coke Corporation has spent something over $ 135,000.00 not counting the $50,000.00 of preferred stock issued to the University. All of this sum has been devoted to experimentation. It seems to m e that it would be a fair proposition under all the circumstances to recognize the date of December 1, 1929, as the time for counting cumulative interest. I a m not writing this note as an official of the Urbana Coke Corporation but purely as a personal matter. It is possible that such relinquishment might be credited to m y account by the Urbana Coke Corporation and thereby substantially maintain
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