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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I9a9l UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 36l B E IT RESOLVED B Y T H E BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF T H E A THLETIC ASSOCIATION OF T H E UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, that from and a t r fe September 1, 1929, all members of the staff and employees of said Athletic Association shall be thereafter employed on contract which shall provide that compensation for services shall be paid to them by the said Athletic Association as follows: 1. Such part thereof in cash as the Board of Directors shall from time to time fix and determine, to be paid to them for such time only as they shall satisfactorily perform the services of their respective employments. 2. A part thereof in the value of death benefits to be provided by the said Board of Directors for them, or their respective heirs, legal representatives, or designated beneficiaries, based on the cash portion of compensation agreed to be paid to them by the said Athletic Association for the academic year during which death shall occur, in the following amounts and under the following conditions, to-wit: Death during first year of service, nothing. Death during second year of service, 1 0 % of cash compensation for the academic year. Death during third year of service, 1 5 % of cash compensation for the academic year. Death during fourth year of service, 2 0 % of cash compensation for the academic year. Death duringfifthyear of service, 2 5 % of cash compensation for the academic year. Death during sixth year of service, 3 0 % of cash compensation for the academic year. Death during seventh year of service, 3 5 % of cash compensation for the academic year. Death during eighth year of service, 4 0 % of cash compensation for the academic year. Death during ninth year of service, 4 5 % of cash compensation for the academic year. Death during tenth or any succeeding year of service, 5 0 % of cash compensation for the academic year. P R O V I D E D , H O W E V E R , that no death benefit shall be in excess of $3,000. Death benefits shall not be paid in the following cases: (a) If employee commits suicide, (b) If in the judgment of a majority of the members of the Board of Directors, an employee's death is caused or contributed to by his use of intoxicating liquor, or by his violation of any law of the State of Illinois. (c) N o employee shall be entitled to receive death benefits from the said Athletic Association unless he has been in the continuous employment of the Association for at least 10 months prior to death. 3. As to all employees of the Athletic Association w h o have been in the service of the Association forfifteenor more years and w h o shall be in the employment of, and active service of the Association the following retiring allowances are provided for to be paid by the Board of Directors in the following amounts and under the following conditions, to-wit: (a) A n employee of said Association shall retire at the age of 68. Said retirement to begin on thefirstday of September following his sixty-eighth birthday anniversary. A n employee after continuous service of 15 years m a y with the consent of the Board of Directors retire after reaching the age of 65 years. (b) Upon the retirement there shall be paid to the employee retiring during his life an amount equal to 2 5 % of the average cash portion of compensation which has been paid to him during the last five years prior to retirement, together with 1 % of such average amount additional for each year of his service for the Association; the m a x i m u m payment, however, not to exceed one-half of such average amount. A n d no Board ofAll members of the staff retired such specific duties for the to call by the retiring allowance shallthe paid in excessof hereunder shall be subject Board as shall be assigned to them. be performance of $3,000. (c) Directors for
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