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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS 357 that building, we paid Mr. Piatt just about 1 % per cent commission on the cost of the building. I presume that the percentage would not run much more than this on the Gymnasium. Yours truly, James M . White Supervising Architect On motion of Dr. Noble, the employment of Mr. Piatt was authorized as recommended. APPROPRIATION FOR WRIGHT STREET AND ARMORY AVENUE LIGHTS (14) The Supervising Architect reports that the City of Champaign will install lights on Wright Street between University and Springfield Avenues, and on Armory Avenue between First Street and the Illinois Central property line. The University's share of the assessment for this improvement will be J1.066.78 for Wright Street, and $504.47 for Armory Avenue. The Supervising Architect requests that an appropriation of $1600, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be made from the Reserve and Contingent Fund to pay the University's share of these improvements. O n motion of M r . Barr, this appropriation w a s m a d e , b y the following vote: A y e , President Armstrong, M r . Barr, M r s . Busey, M r s . Evans, M r s . Grigsby, M r . Trees; no, none; absent, M r . Blair, M r . E m m e r s o n , M r . Fisher, D r . Noble, M r . Simpson. PURCHASE OF BONDS ON THE DENTAL BUILDING (15) The Acting Comptroller states that he has been advised by the Stock Yards Trust and Savings Bank of Chicago that they have for disposal at 98 plus accrued interest $1500 of the six per cent bonds on the Dental Building. H e requests that in accordance with the previous policy of the Board an appropriation of $1500, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be made from the Reserve and Contingent Fund for the purchase of these bonds at 98 plus accrued interest and that he be authorized to redeem them accordingly. O n motion of M r . Trees, this recommendation w a s adopted, b y the following vote: A y e , President Armstrong, M r . Barr, M r . Blair, M r s . Busey, M r s . Evans, M r s . Grigsby, D r . Noble, M r . Trees; no, none; absent, M r . E m m e r s o n , M r . Fisher, M r . Simpson. ADDITION TO LIBRARY SCHOOL STAFF (16) A statement from Professor P. L. Windsor, Director of the Library School, that the registration will be so far in excess of that of last year in the beginning class that more help is needed and requesting authority tofindan additional assistant at $1500. 1 have authorized him to do this inasmuch as the matter is urgent, and ask approval. O n motion of M r s . Evans, this action w a s confirmed. DEATH BENEFIT—RUTHE E. MURPHEY (17) The Acting Comptroller requests an appropriation of $870 from the Reserve and Contingent Fund to pay the death benefit of Ruthe E. Murphey who was an employee in the Physical Plant and who died August 21, 1929. This i payable to her benefics iary, Mr. M . W . Murphey. O n motion of Dr. Noble, this appropriation w a s m a d e , by the following vote: Aye, President Armstrong, M r . Barr, M r . Blair, M r s . Busey, Mrs. Evans, M r s . Grigsby, D r . Noble, M r . Trees; no, none; absent, M r . E m m e r s o n , M r . Fisher, M r . Simpson.
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