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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS 283 Salary 14- Sadie L. Stubbs, Assistant to Superintendent of Business Operations (C. S.) $ 1 220 15-Mary E. Brennan, Chief Clerk (C. S.) 2 000 16. Hazel Tucker, Senior Clerk (C. S.) 1 800 17- Dorothea K. Williamson, Landscape Architectural Draftsman (C. S.) 912 I 740 18. (Six half days each week) 1 740 19- Ruthe E. Murphey, Senior Clerk (C. S.) I 500 20. C. S. Havens, Senior Clerk (C. S.) I 440 21. Frances McClughen, Retired. , Senior Stenographer (C. S.) 450 22. J. F. Perkins, Retired. . Stenographer (C. S.) - Junior , 416 23. C. A. Dunseth, Retired. 877 24. W . G. Hixon, Retired. . 548 *5- Louie Finder, Retired. . 760 26. Basil Brown, Retired. . . 678 27. Sell Hamlin, Retired... 607 28. Dan Meneely, Retired.. 634 29. J. C. Snyder, LRetired... LIBERAL A R T S A N D SCIENCES COL EGE OF 664 3°Summary Expense and Total Salaries Equipment 22 805 00 Administration $ 17 680 00 $ 5 125 00 22 275 00 Art and Design 20 700 00 1 575 00 6 750 00 Astronomy 5 750 00 1 000 00 17 495 00 Bacteriology 11 800 00 5 695 00 48 710 00 Botany 43 310 00 5 400 00 239 440 00 Chemistry 161 440 00 78 000 00 23 450 00 Classics 22 750 00 700 00 187 475 00 English 184 150 00 3 3*5 00 20 885 00 Entomology 17 500 00 3 385 00 52 740 00 Geology 49 390 00 3 35° 00 31 500 00 German 31 200 00 300 00 64 760 00 History 64 160 00 600 00 106 520 00 Mathematics 105 720 00 800 00 20 350 00 Philosophy 20 200 00 150 00 24 450 00 Physiology 22 100 00 2 350 00 32 900 00 Political Science 32 500 00 400 00 29 750 00 Psychology 28 100 00 1 650 00 83 000 00 Romance Languages 82 300 00 700 00 28 975 00 Sociology 28 550 00 425 00 81 040 00 Zoology 73 240 00 7 800 00 Total $1 026 540 00 $128 730 00 $1 155 000 00 2 270 00 Classical M u s e u m 2 000 00 2 OOO OO M u s e u m of European Culture. . . . 2 coo 00 Administration 6 000 00 Natural History M u s e u m 4 000 00 Salary 2 OOO OO Oriental C. Babcock, Dean (Indef.) 1. K. M u s e u m $ 8 5001 2. Waldo Shumway, Assistant Dean (1 yr.) 3 400 (Zoology I 600) (Total salary J coo) 3. , Assistant to the Dean (1 yr.; exempt) 1 000 4. Esther Bruhn, Chief Clerk (C. S.) 1 320 ^Iso to serve as Provost (1 yr.).
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