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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 273 Explanatory Notes Departmental appropriations are made under the captions "Salaries" and "Expense and Equipment." Unless otherwise indicated, no transfers may be made between these appropriation captions except with the approval of the President of the University. Appropriations for Salaries are available for the term indicated in each case but not for more than one year from September 1. All balances lapse at the end of the term indicated or at August 31. Funds appropriated for positions in the salary budget which are not yetfilledmay, pending regular appointments, be drawn against for services of employees temporarily engaged to do the work contemplated by the position and for no other purpose. When appointments are made at salary rates less than the amounts provided in the budget, the unused funds will not be available for use except with the approval of the President. Appropriations for Expense and Equipment are available for one year beginning July 1 and ending June 30. These appropriations are based on an estimated distribution of expenditures according to the various budget classifications of "Wages, Office Expense, etc." Expenditures must be made in approximate accord with that distribution, material departure from which must be approved in advance by the Dean of the College concerned, the Director of the general department concerned, or the corresponding general officer, and in all cases by the Comptroller. All unencumbered balances in these appropriations lapse June 30. ESTIMATED BUDGET INCOME I. State Appropriations for Operation, Maintenance, and Equipment Salaries and Wages % 3 515 000 00 Office Expense 150 000 00 Travel 35 000 00 Operation 485 000 00 Repairs 160 000 00 Equipment 290 000 00 Improvements other than buildings... 130 000 00 $4 765 000 00 II. State Appropriation for Cook County Experiment Station (Agriculture) % 10 000 00 III. Federal Grants IV. Student Fees 860 000 00 Interest on Endowment Fund V. McKinley Endowment (Economics) (Land 5 400 00 Grant of 1862 32 450 66 100 000 00 VI. Miscellaneous Income paid by State). . . . J Morrill Sales 50 000 00 VII. Agricultural and Nelson Acts 264 750 00 Hatch and Adams Acts $6 473 392 48 (Agriculture). 30 000 00 Total Estimated Budget Income Smith-Hughes Act (State Board of VoProposed Appropriations 6 345 314 82 cational Education) 16 000 00 Balance for Reserve and ContinSmith-Lever Act (Agriculture) 239 624 34 $ 128 077 66 gencies Capper-Ketcham Act (Agriculture)... 40 167 48 Purnell Act (Agriculture) 60 000 00 % 468 242 48
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