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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

268 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 17 INTERNATIONAL. ASSOCIATION O F M I L K D E A L E R S R E S E A R C H ASS1STANTSHIP IN DAIRY H U S B A N D R Y (16) The International Association of Milk Dealers has offered to establish a research assistantship in Dairy Husbandry for a two-year study by the Agricultural Experiment Station of factors affecting the marketability offluidmilk. Dean Mumford and Professor Ruehe recommend acceptance of this offer and approval of a cooperative agreement for the establishment of this assistantship and the study. This agreement is drawn for a period of two years, beginning September 1, 1929, and the Association agrees to pay $1,200 per year for the expenses of the investigation. The agreement is of the form and character of agreements hitherto authorized by the Board for such investigations. Dean Mumford recommends approval. On motion of Mrs. Evans, this agreement was approved. CONTRACT FOR MILITARY UNIFORMS (17) The Comptroller submits the following proposals secured by the Purchasing Agent for uniforms for students in the advanced course of the R. O. T. C. for the year 1929-30: Associated Military Stores, Chicago $29 75 Craddock Company, Kansas City 29 65 Jacob Reed's Sons, Philadelphia 2775 Hirsch, Weintraub & Company, Philadelphia 29 50 DeMoulin Bros. Company, Greenville, 111 29 55 The Lilley Company, Columbus, Ohio. 27 20 Clayton Uniform Company, Chicago 29 90 Each proposal was accompanied with a sample uniform to show style and tailoring. The Purchasing Agent and the Commandant both recommend, and the Comptroller concurs, that the contract be awarded to the Associated Military Stores of Chicago on the basis of their bid of 329.75 per uniform. While this bid is not the lowest, our people believe that the workmanship and style of uniforms submitted by this firm are superior to those submitted by the other bidders. I concur in this recommendation and recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to conclude a contract with the Associated Military Stores for the purchase of uniforms at $29.75 Per uniform. O n m o t i o n of M r . S i m p s o n , this contract w a s authorized. CONTRACT FOR PRINTING AND BINDING OF ALUMNI DIRECTORY (18) O n February 14, 1928 (Minutes, page 555), the President of the University was directed to take the necessary steps to publish the Alumni Directory and an appropriation of $15,000 was made for this purpose, which has been supplemented by an appropriation of $2,400, made June 11, 1929. In accordance with these instructions, I authorized the Comptroller and Purchasing Agent to secure proposals for the printing and binding of this Directory. The lowest proposal for this work was made by the Illinois Printing Company of Danville, their total price being estimated at ?7,934 for printing and binding 4,000 copies. This total is based on unit prices (i.e., prices per page for composition, per form for lock up, press work, ink, stock handling, binding, wrapping for mailing including cartons) as applied to specifications furnished by us. It does not include paper or alterations. The paper will cost approximately $1,100 but there is no basis for estimating the cost of alterations. This stated total price is subject to change, depending on the extent of the alterations and thefinalnumber of pages, but, based on unit prices, it is the lowest proposal. Since the printer and the editor desired to get the work started by July 1, I authorized the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board to conclude a contract with thisfirmfor the work on the basis of was confirmed. On motion of Mrs. Grigsby, this actionthe price stated.
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