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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1928] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 25 This report was received for record. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS (32) The following report from the Comptroller of contracts and purchase orders executed since the last report was made: September 17, 1928 President David Kinley, 355 Administration Building Dear President Kinley: I transmit herewith report of contracts executed by the Comptroller since the last report, together with report of the Purchasing Agent of purchase orders issued during the months of June, July, and August, 1928, amounting to $1,000 or more. Cordially yours, Lloyd Morey, Comptroller CONTRACTS EXECUTED BY THE COMPTROLLER J U N E 7, 1928, TO SEPTEMBER 17, 1928 Miscellaneous contracts executed under general regulations: State Commerce Name Amount Date Item Commission Commonwealth Edison Co. Rate " C " of Illinois M a y 16, 1928 Light and power service to Tabulating Machine Co. $65 a month plus cost. M a y i6, 1928 School of Pharmacy, 711 to of installing 715 South Wood Street, ChiRezilite Manufacturing $z 8.10 July 21, 1928 : cago. Company Henry Reuter & Sons $2 47i August 1 , 1928 Rental on one set of type 83. #30 each D e Moulin Bros. & Co. August 3, 1928 Tabulating machines to be installed in Statistical office. RezilitefloorBto be installed in Chemistry Building. Remodeling in University Hall. R. 0. T. C. Uniforms to be Leased J'rom Property Rental Date Tenure Ue s furnished for 1928-29. Raymond Pickup K acre in Madison $5a year August 31, September Agricultural ExperiLease contracts executed under general regulations: (Renew:al) Cou: t 1928 15, t9i8 to mentation, Departny September ment 0fTenure Agronomy. Leased to Property Rental Date |M1 H. ~ Peter Scholl 1207 W . Stoughton £45 per month August 21, 1928 August 15, 1928 to ORDERSISSU E D D U R I N G JITNE, 1928, Street, AMOUNT1rNG T O $1000 O R MORE Urbana August £4, 1929 C.A.Wilson $70 perFirm August 27, 1928 September 1, 1928 to month Date Amount 806 South Sixth Department Description Procedure 6- 4-28 $1200.00 Physical Educa- F. K. Robeson Ribbed Towels30, Competitive Street, Champaign June 1929 tion for M e n E. A. Moore 6- 5-28 $1414.70 Animal HusSherwood House on #20 per month September 12, 1928 NovemberCompetitive Long Bell Lumber Fence Posts 1, 1928 to bandry Maple St., Champaign Company October 31, 1929 6- 5-28 £1150.00 Military A. Garfunkel Overcoats Quoted 6- 8-28 grooo.oo Physical Plant Electric Coal Coal Quoted* Company 6-12-28 £1443.80 Agronomy International Harv<;s- Tractor, Competitive ter Company Separator 6-12-28 $1035.00 Animal HusJ. R. Thompson Bull Quoted* bandry Wilkens Anderson 6-13-28 $1126.93 Laboratory Competitive ical Stores Company Supplies General Chem6-13-28 *«i°.75 General ChemE. H. Sargent and Laboratory Competitive ical Stores Company Supplies 6-13-28 $1084.05 General ChemSchaar and Compaily Laboratory Competitive ical Stores Supplies 6-13-28 $1635.52 General ChemRascher and Betzold laboratory Competitive ical Stores Supplies iArranged by Mr. J. A. Morrow. "Arranged by Head of Department.
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