Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 249 AGREEMENTS WITH MESSRS. C. J. THOMAS OF CARBONDALE A N D F. L. GRAVES OF VILLA RIDGE FOR USE OF PEACH ORCHARDS (19) Pursuant to the authority given m e by the Board on M a y 17 and on further investigation of the proposal, I authorized the Comptroller and Secretary of the Board to execute for the University contracts with M r . C. J. T h o m a s of Carbondale and M r . F. L. Graves of Villa Ridge for the use of their orchards for experimental spraying. T h i s report w a s received for record. DEDICATION OF RIGHT OF WAY ACROSS ALEDO EXPERIMENT FIELD (20) T h e Board has authorized the dedication of a part of the Aledo Experiment Field, in Mercer County, to the State of Illinois, Department of Public W o r k s and Buildings, Division of Highways, as part of Highway Route 83, Section 124-x. T h e original grantors of thisfield,Archie G. Bridgford and Mollie T. Bridgford, his wife, have joined in the dedication, which has been recorded in Volume 150 of Deeds, on page 135, in the Recorder's Office in Mercer County, and the dedication has been forwarded to the Department of Public W o r k s and Buildings. T h i s report w a s received for record. LABORATORY FEES IN THE URBANA DEPARTMENTS FOR 1929-30 AgronomyComptroller and the Provost00 Botany following schedule of laboratory $ 1 submit the (21) The 10 2 00 Agronomy 11 3 00 Botany 2 00 and other special fees in the Urbana Departments for 1929-30, which I recommend Agronomy 53 4 00 Botany 3 2 00 be adopted. 5 Agronomy 14 1 00 Botany I 00 6 I 00 Agronomy 18a 5 00 Botany 7 1 00 Agronomy 18b 5 00 Botany 8 I 00 II.... Agronomy 18c 3 00 Botany I 00 Agronomy 18d 3 00 Botany 13. . . . I 5° I 00 Agronomy 18e 5 00 Botany 15 ... . 33 (per 50 Agronomy 18f 5 00 Botany 34 (per hour) 5° Agronomy i8g 2 50 Botany 40.... 1 00 Agronomy i8h a 50 Botany 41... . I 00 42. . . . I 00 Agronomy 18j 2 50 Botany 43... . I CO Agronomy 18k 2 50 Botany I 00 Agronomy 25 2 00 Botany 45... . 3 00 50 Agronomy 28 3 00 Botany 1 00 55... . 1 00 Anatomy (see H u m a n Anatomy) 1 00 AthleticHusbandry 16 2 00 Botany 60 (per hour) Animal Coaching 41 1 70 5o AthleticHusbandry20 Coaching 119 1 00 Botany 77 (per Animal 5 50 Botany 78 (per hour) Athletic Coaching 30 1 00 50 Botany 79. . . . Athletic Coaching 40 1 00 00 1 00 Athletic Coaching 31 1 00 ••-•-•• j 00 Botany 80 00 Athletic Coaching 41 88 1 00 1 00 Botany 130 (per unit). Athletic Coaching 50 3 3 00 Botany CO Bacteriology 5b 8 00 unit). 3 00 Botany 150 (per 3 00 Bacteriology 6 2 50 155 (per unit). Botany 3 00 Bacteriology 8 7 00 160 (per unit). 3 00 Botany Bacteriology 20 7 50 unit). 3 00 Botany 170 (per Bacteriology 26 8 00 3 00 177 (perunit) . Botany Bacteriology 106 5 00 180 (per unit). Botany Botany Botany Botany Botany Botany