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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1928] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 23 REGISTRAR'S R E P O R T O F F E E S (31) The following report from the Registrar of fees assessed for the second semester of 1927-28: REGISTRAR'S REPORT OF FEES ASSESSED SECOND SEMESTER. 1927-28 URBANA D E P A R T M E N T S Gross Refund Net Total Matriculation $ 3 390 00 $ 40 00 $ 3 3 50 00 I ncidental Resident 183 550 00 4 185 00 179 365 00 Non-Resident 52 725 00 1 006 25 51 718 75 Tuition 1 350 00 172 50 1 177 50 Visitors 266 25 7 50 238 75 Late Registration 1 120 00 535 00 585 00 Change . 1 443 00 3 00 1 440 00 Special Examination 2 100 00 30 00 2 070 00 Special Fee in English 40 00 40 00 Transcript of Credits 234 50 234 50 Diploma 16 210 00 80 00 16 130 00 Total, General Fees, Urbana $262 428 75 $6 059 25 $256 369 50 Laboratory Fees Agronomy 498 00 9 00 489 00 Anatomy 585 00 7 50 577 50 Animal Husbandry 4 00 4 00 Athletic Coaching 470 00 13 00 457 00 Bacteriology 683 50 3150 552 00 Botany 744 75 36 37 708 38 Ceramic Engineering , 155 00 3 00 150 00 Chemistry. . . , 17 762 25 7R6 75 16 975 50 Civil Engineering 707 75 8 00 699 75 Dairy Husbandry 148 00 18 00 130 00 Electrical Engineering 595 00 2 75 592 25 Entomology 159 50 6 75 152 75 Farm Mechanics. 163 00 22 25 140 75 General Engineering Drawing 513 00 23 00 490 00 Geography 195 00 9 00 186 00 Geology 399 00 17 25 381 75 Home Economics 1 038 50 23 00 1 015 50 Horticulture 406 00 11 75 394 25 Journalism 108 00 2 00 106 00 Law 91 00 7 00 84 00 Mechanical Engineering 952 50 1250 940 00 Mining Engineering 35 50 50 35 00 Music 4 025 00 137 ;o 3 887 50 Physical Education (Women) 2 280 75 78 75 2 202 00 Physics 2 040 50 92 00 1 948 50 Physiology 768 50 43 75 7^4 75 Psychology 42 50 2 50 40 00 Public Speaking 195 00 17 50 177 50 Zoology Mechanics Fees, Urbana T. & Total Laboratory A. Fees, Urbana , £300 310 50 $7 539 00 $292 557 50 $ 37 578 75 $t 48064 $ 36274 " 1 082 so 653 75 21 76 36 51 1 542 74 173 24
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