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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

230 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June ii James Julian Hill, A.B., A.M., University of Oklahoma, 1915, with High Honors Ada Eveline Hodgson, A.B., Cornell College, 1927, with Honors Carlene Tuller Holly, A.B., University of Wisconsin, 1917, with Honors Phoebe Anne Jensen, A.B., Des Moines University, 1918 Gladys Johnson, A.B., West Virginia University, 1924 Loretta Mae Jones, B.S., Northwest Missouri State Teachers College, 1927, with honors Evelyn Marie Kayser, A.B., University of South Dakota, 1926 Mary Ramon Kinney, A.B., 1928, with Honors Dorothy Noel Kirk, A.B., Vanderbilt University, 1928 Geraldine Elizabeth Kirkham, A.B., Indiana Central College, 1924, with High Honors Helen Katherine Kirtley, A.B., University of Missouri, 1928, with High Honors Leona Gertrude Krehbiel, B.S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1926, with High Honors Olive Lewis, B.S., Purdue University, 1928, with Honors Phoebe Ruth McHenry, A.B., Baker University, 1920 Edith Starr McRoberts, A.B., Culver-Stockton College, 1928 Rosemary Martin, A.B., University of Cincinnati, 1929 Myrne Moffit, A.B., University of Iowa, 1925 Florence Blanche Morgan, A.B., University of Colorado, 1925, with Honors Mary Ellen Moyer, A.B., Eureka College, 1924, with Honors Gladys Louise Parks, B.S., Kansas State Teachers College, 1926 Vera Jeryoline Parsley, A.B., Baker University, 1927, with Honors E Margaret Patton, B.S., University of Kansas, 1927 Helen Frances Pierce, A.B., Cornell College, 1921, with Honors Esther Frances Price, B.S., Kansas State Teachers College of Emporia, 1928 Hazel Reed, A.B., University of Utah, 1927 Margaret Mildred Ritchie, A.B., Carleton College, 1925, with Honors Arnold Whitney Rosaaen, A.B., State University of Iowa, 1928 Miriam Jean Rose, A.B., Washington University, 1924, with Honors Estella Agnes Roy, A.B., Oberlin College, 1927 Gerald Herbert Sandy, A.B., State University of Iowa, 1928, with High Honors Esther Maktia Schlundt, A.B., University of Missouri, 1927, with High Honors Mabel Love Schureman, A.B., Goucher College, 1913 Mildred Ella Singleton, A.B., A.M., University of Oklahoma, 1920, 1924, with High Honors Sister Mary Aurelius Brennan, A.B., Mt. St. Joseph College, 1926, with Honors Gladys Maud Smith, A.B., Winthrop College, 1918, with Honors Mildred Ercel Snyder, B.S., 1927 Nelle Elizabeth Steider, A.B., Eureka College, 1928 Elizabeth Opal Stone, B.S., Northwest Missouri State Teachers College, 1926, with Honors John Paul Stone, B.S., Northwest Missouri State Teachers College, 1926, with Honors Ina Dell Stout, A.B., Indiana University, 1921 Dorothy Alice Suter, A.B., Southwestern College, 1928 Opal Florence Tanner, A.B., University of Minnesota, 1927 Anna Louise Thrall, A.B., Evansville College, 1928, with Honors Thelma Wilson, A.B., Missouri WesleyanCollege, 1913, with Honors AllenCharlotte Wahlin, A.B., Bethany College,1928 AlleenD JWilson, A.B., B.S., Otterbein College, 1919, 1927 Mary Elisabeth Williams,Illinois University, 1922 1927 Maryellen Whelan, A.B., Indiana of Kansas, 1919 Ruth Rachel Warrick, University Wesleyan University, with Honors Edla Van Ness, A.B., Vanderbilt University,
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