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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

98 60 $ 2 965 32 August 4, 1925 John M. and Louisa C. December i, 1944 J 3 000 00 Gregory Scholarship Fund (5 y62 S3) Gift March 1, 1945 3 000 00 Robert F. Carr Fellowship 10 000 00 1921 98 14 595 00 In Chemistry 12 ® 98 U. S. 3rd Liberty Loan Bonds MA September 15, 1928 5000 qo 00 November 13, i922RobertL. Rea Medical @ 94 College of Physicians and Surgeons 6 July 1, 1932 4 700 00 2 ®IOO Scholarship Fund 13 Booth St. Louis Cold Storage Co.—First Gift 2 380 80 Mortgage Bonds 6 January 1,1931 25 000 00 Gift 976 00 Chicago By-Products Coke Corporation. 5 January 1, 1976 2 000 00 Contract 1 300 00 Robert L. Rea Medical T w o Certificates of Preferred Stock, 500 2SO © 99 20 (4 706 80) Scholarship Fund Military Hosp. Endowment shares, Urbana Coke Corporation. . 6 5000000 2O0 @IOO 25 000 00 January 24, 1917 McKinleyBand Reserve @I02 SO Special Investments Expendable Funds 2 000 00 December 8, 1925 William Beaumont SO @ 98 04 Military Band Reserve U. S. 3rd Liberty Loan Bond M i September 15, 1928 45000 50 ©104 04 Memorial Fund Chicago Daily News 100-28/32 U. S. 4th Liberty Loan Bond Mi October 15, 1938 150 00 December 28, 1925 Parr Patents Scholarships U. S. 3rd Liberty Loan Bond 4>« September 15, 1928 500 00 June 26, 1923 7 000 00 February 24, 1927 Hospital Association Delaware Standard Power and Light 448 50 February 1926 2 962 02 January 3,21, 1928 Hospital Association Corporation—Temporary 51 00 June 26, 1923 (9 962 50) Debenture Bonds 6 February 1, 1957 7 000 00 "49 28 September 29,1927 Group Investment 2 098 02 June 20, 192S 105 Maryland Federated Utilities—Gold 51 00 January 28, 1926 2 500 S7 October 20, 1927 Group Investment 101 50 Notes s A November 1, 1930 3 000 00 3(599 9 0 July 7, 1927 088 23 Group Investment 103 Group Investments 2 502 63 October 13, 1927 Group Investment 000 00 January 28, 1926 100 375 American Telephone and Telegraph 2 021 72 December 4, 1926 Group Investment 101 15 Co.—Collateral Trust Gold Bonds.. 5 December 1, 1946 2 000 00 American Telephone and Telegraph 7 786 50 July 2i( 1927 Group Investment Co.—Collateral Trust Gold Bonds.. ; December 1, 1946 2 500 00 2 000 00 January 28, 1926 Group Investment 100 Commonwealth Edison Company 5 July 1, 1953 300000 5 105 28 July 7, 1927 Group Investment 102 Commonwealth Edison Company 5 July 1, 1953 200000 (26 600 01) $254 868 75 Detroit Edison Company 5 January 1, 1933 200000 100 46C Illinois Central Railroad Co., and Chi92 5 3 M #7 375 00 cago, St. Louis and New Orleans the University of Illinois, and that these securities are in my possession. Railroad Co.—First joint Refund, A. M . Burke, Treasurer, University of Illinois* ing Mortgage Bonds M A December I, 1963 8 000 00 Northern States Power—First Lien and General Mortgage Bonds 5 K December 1, 1950 200000 Western Union Telegraph Co.—Bonds.. 5 December 1, 1951 500000 Treasury Bonds 12, 1928 the above is a correctJuly 1, 1932 the securities owned by I hereby ofJuly thatand Surgeons College certify Date: Physicians 6 listing of '7 600 00 5 5 Chicago Union Station Co.—Guaranteed Gold Bonds Argentine Republic Bonds
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