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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 227 In Railway Civil Engineering Samuel Herbert Bergstrom Yun Chiao Yeh, with Honors William Peter Lipscomb In Railway Electrical Engineering William Grafton Wilkins COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Degree of Bachelor of Science In Agriculture Joseph Ackerman, with Honors Luther Edward Martz Edward Briggs Allen Gallais E Matheny Walter Henry Arends Norman Bernardus McClure George Conklin Bates, with Honors William Arthua Miller Bernice Berry Battershell George Otis Minot George Renold Brown Marmaduke Beckwith Morton Fred Gerald Campbell, with High Herbert Windsor Mumford, Jr. Honors Robert Cheney Munnecke Robert Lyle Carolus, with Honors Frank Henry Mynard, Jr. William Russell Cattron Joseph Oliver Newcomer Clarence Doreno Chrysler Mack Omer North Austin Albert Claypool Lawrence Marion Null, with Honors William George Colby, with Honors Elwyn Loudenbeck Ocock Lawrence Louis Colvis Don Best Pence James Royce Cothern Karl Fitz Randolph Palmer Sargent Cox Charles Cyril Ridinger Cyprian Reginald Agustus Harold Richard Ringler Cunningham, with Honors Merle G Roberts Horace Proffitt Erwin Nelson Philip Roberts Joseph Abraham Ewing Stephen Smith Russell Cecil Hodgson Farnham Edward Hammond Safford John Wilson Ferguson Charles Wilson Sanford Emmett George Fruin, with High George Russell Shepherd, with Honors Honors Murl Euin Gardner Louis Vincent Slothower Franklin Forrest Gingrich Murl Elvyn Tascher, with Honors Wendell J Harley In Floriculture Donald Taylor Angus Lester Randall Davis Alvin William Hofer, with Honors Henry Bernard Teach Dale Carpenter Schroeder, with Earl Mulford Hughes Forrest Palmer Erickson Jerome Edward Vogt Honors Howard Emil Johnson Claris EugenePaul Gotsch Harold Mark Schroeder, with Honors Joseph Kenneth Wilson, with Honors Wesley Leonard Hockenyos George Willard Langdoc George Dewey Wright Harvey Edward Wehrmann David Lloyd Martin Milton Joseph Ingeman Peter Joseph Zerbolio, with Honors James Hezekiah Young Albert Daniel Niednagel Economics In Home Margaret Louise Lander Margaret Lorraine Anderson Dorothy Lillian Maris Mabel Susan Cole Estella Osburn Mabel Cross Hallie Fern Owens Estelle Louise Hagnauer Emily Belle Snively, with Honors Grace Cecelia Hartzell Martha Amelia Stephan Gladys Lucille Hodam Emma Kathryn Trainor Garnette Maime Houts Marian Eleanor Willcox Priscdlla Mae Hutchinson
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