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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 203 Schedule B REALIZATION OF INCOME FOR OPERATIONS 1928-29 TO MARCH 31, 1929 Budget Estimate Realized to Dale Unrealized Balance (See Sch. R ) State Funds From Mill Tax $2 625 000 00 $2 620 889 34 $ 4 110 66 From General Revenue 1 875 000 00 973 862 18 oor 137 82 Total, Stale (4 500 000 00) (3 594 75* 52) {90s 248 48) Federal Funds From U. S. Treasurer Smith-Lever Fund 239 624 24 239 624 34 10* Hatch-Adams Funds 3° 000 00 22 500 00 7 500 00 Pumell Fund 50 000 00 37 500 00 12 500 00 Capper-Ketcham Fund 20 000 00 20 000 00 From State Treasurer Interest on Endowment Fund 32 450 66 32 450 66 Morrill-Nelson Funds SO 000 00 50 000 00 From State Board for Vocational Education (Smith-Hughes) 16 000 00 16 000 00 Total, Federal (438 074 90) (382 075 00) (55 999 90) Student Fees 850 000 00 796 494 09 53 505 91 Sales and Miscellaneous Credited to Departments Agriculture , 124 860 00 107 891 44 16 968 56* Other Departments 2 808 31 2 808 3i*i>* Credited to Estimated Agricultural Sales Schedule B-i 00 132 600 109 134 88 23 465 12 INCOME FROM GeneralAND MISCELLANEOUS SOURCES 90 000 00 Credited to SALES Income 71 442 66 18 557 34 Credited to Estimated Income from T O M A R C H 3i. 1929 Creamery Total for Nine Months Surplus 14 310 00 14 310 oo8 Ending March(70 492 71) 31, 1020 Total. Sales, etc <36r 770 00) (zgt 277 29) Agricultural College and Experiment Station #217 864 03 McKinley Endowment , 7 000 00 7 000 oo8 Administrative$6 156 844 General064 597 90 £r 092 247 00 Grand Total Offices and 90 £5 Departments Alumni Directory # 3 959 71 •Deduct—Income exceeds estimate. Announcement estimate set up. of Courses. 890 25 *No budget Student Faculty Directory , 097 45 'Credited direct to revolving accounts, not carried as separate itemston Balance Sheet. Librarybe transferred from other accounts June 30, 1929. 1 125 67 'To Fines and Charges Miscellaneous 911 84 8 984 92 College of Liberal Arts and Sciences 1 244 74 Engineering College and Experiment Station 2 995 8z Graduate School 1 252 74 Chicago Departments Medical Dispensary, Drug Room and X-Ray 17 152 78 Dental Infirmary, Oral Surgery and X-Ray 16 400 19 Booth Rentals in Dental Building 1 3 50 00 Miscellaneous 798 04 35 701 01 Rental of Rooms in University Buildings 778 00 Sale of Kindling, etc 1 005 59 Interest on Daily Bank Balances 17 729 51 Interest on Dental Building Bonds Held by University 456 00 Lapsed Men's Towel Deposits 1 903 11 Miscellaneous 1 361 8a Grand Tolal {Schedule B ) $291 377 29
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