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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

202 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 17 Trust Funds Endowment funds from private gifts for special purposes (see Schedule P) are distributed as follows: Professorial and Lectureship Endowments $119 686 Student Loan Endowments 177 040 (Of which $164,959 was outstanding in student notes at the end of the quarter.) Scholarship and Prize Endowments 84 556 Other Endowments 80 031 Total $461 313 Indebtedness on Property Outstanding indebtedness on University property at the end of the quarter consisted solely of 6 % bonds totalling $52,400 on the Dental Building in Chicago, due in 1932 (Schedule R ) . Residence Halls A summary of the operations of the residence halls for the year to March 15,1929, is shown as Appendix 1. The balance in the Residence Halls fund at the end of the quarter was $133,454, and in the Davenport House fund $9,827. Stadium Fund A n Appendix is included giving the report of the Memorial Stadium Fund, of which the Board of Trustees is custodian. (See Appendix II.) Lloyd Morey Comptroller Schedule A STATEMENT OF RESERVE AND CONTINGENT FUND QUARTER ENDING M A R C H 31, 1929 Balance forward January 1. 1929 £128 541 48 Add: Estimated Additional Income from Agricultural Sales (New Greenhouses) $ 900 00 • Lapsed Unused 1927-28 Balances (carried forward to cover encumbrances but not required) 1 936 35 2 836 35 $131 377 83 Deduct: Appropriations made by the Board of Trustees January 9, 1929 Archaeological Explorations (additional) $ 500 00 Medical Library Expense and Equipment 2 450 00 Law Library Expense and Equipment 2 500 00 February 13, 1929 George Washington Bicentennial Expense 500 00 Death Benefits (Miss Marion Sparks) I 000 00 Library Expense and Equipment (additional) 5 000 00 Horticulture IQ2Q {Schedule i?)... 2 400 00 Balance March 31, (Operation of New Greenhouses) $113167 83 Medical Physiology Expense and Equipment (additional) 400 00 March 12, 1929 Visit of General Assembly 1 300 00 Injuries to Employees 1 000 00 Death Benefits (Robert J. Drake) 100 00 17 150 00 Adjustments in Salary Budget Architecture College 1 000 00 Chicago General Administration 60 00 1 060 00 18 210 00
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