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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
164 B O A R D OF TRUSTEES [April io REGISTRAR'S R E P O R T O F F E E S (32) The following report from the Registrar of fees assessed for thefirstsemester of 1928-29; REGISTRAR'S REPORT OF FEES ASSESSED First Semester, IQ28-XQ20 URBANA DEPARTMENTS TOTAL Gross Refund Net Total Matriculation. . , ... £36 810 00 $ 1 180 00 $ 35 630 00 Incidental Resident, 207 375 00 7 462 50 199 912 50 Non-resident $6 062 50 1 275 00 54 787 50 Thesis Work in Absentia 120 00 120 00 Tuition 1 462 50 213 75 1 248 75 Visitor's 176 25 176 25 Late Registration 940 00 265 00 675 00 Change 1 752 00 8 00 1 744 00 Special Examination 1 160 00 20 00 1 140 00 Special Fee in English ., 40 00 40 00 Transcript of Credits 202 50 50 202 00 Diploma 3 360 00 20 00 3 340 00 Total General Fees, Urbana $309 460 75 10 444 75 £299 016 00 Laboratory Fees Agronomy 274 50 274 50 Anatomy 945 00 47 5° 897 50 Athletic Coaching 5 3 3 00 31 00 502 00 Bacteriology 756 50 30 00 726 50 Botany 858 25 29 50 828 75 Ceramic Engineering 212 50 7 25 205 25 Chemistry 18 394 75 1 189 25 17 205 50 Civil Engineering 765 00 12 75 752 25 Dairy Husbandry 134 50 2 00 132 50 Electrical Engineering 577 50 3 75 573 75 Entomology 266 25 9 25 257 00 Farm Mechanics.. ... 149 00 3 75 145 25 General Engineering Drawing 909 00 58 00 851 00 Geologys report w a s received for record. 463 50 16 50 447 00 Thi Home Economics 1 299 00 36 00 1 263 00 •Does not include a total of £13,915.95 charged as deposits, breakage, infirmary, and locker fees. Horticulture 626 75 31 75 595 00 Of this amount #552-95 was refunded. Journalism. 272 00 14 00 258 00 Law 84 00 84 00 Mechanical Engineering 1 872 50 29 00 1 843 50 Mining Engineering 2100 400 1700 Music 4 875 00 187 50 4 687 50 Physical Education (Women) 2 394 00 84 00 2 310 00 Physics 2 714 00 113 50 2 600 50 Physiology 901 50 21 00 880 50 Psychology . 31 25 2 00 29 25 LaboratoryMechanicsUNIVERSITY Diploma LaboratoryChicago Special A. Fees, Chicago CHICAGO DEPARTMENTS* Urbana Transcript Engineering Tuition Examination Matriculation Credits Fees, Total& LateTotal ofFEES, Zoology Fees Urbana T.TOTAL Railway Fees, Registration General ••$ 63 667 00 g£12005 48 £$62 611 0234 $439 720 50 #352620 54 #142846 00 $18 074 5° 42757 00 4 850 50 87 320 04 $$2 150 50 1 837 00 68 315 00 854 04 522 25 764 54 20 6 10 11502 20 *4*5 720 00 4 495 00 $339069 00 56 50 006 68 051 98 $67911 34 31 23 160 70 5 20 17 470 00 4 819 00 40 315 36 1 334 3 85 819 02 803 5*5 20 604 10 6
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