Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

i6i B O A R D O F TRUSTEES [April 10 Department Physical Plant PURCHASE ORDERS ISSUED IN MARCH AMOUNTING TO $1000 OR MORE Firm John Bennett Description Stone and tile work Amount *I275 93 King Brothers Company Lambs E. H. Sargent and Com- Pyrex ware pany Animal Husbandry General Chemical Stores Physical Plant Office Supply T. J. Foley Lumber Lumber Company Paper J.Company Paper W . Butler Supervising Mutchler Bros. Oak tables 1562 00 Competitive Architect Company Physical Plant Mississippi Valley Structural steel 23OO 00 Arranged by Structural Steel Supervising Company Architect T h i s report w a s received for record. PRESENTATION OF "ALMA MATER" STATUE (26) The Alumni Association reports that the "Alma Mater" statue group will be presented to the University at commencement time, and requests that someone be designated by the Board to accept it for the University. O n motion of M r . Barr, the President of the Board a n d the President of the University were designated to accept this gift. Procedure Arranged by Supervising Architect 1440 00 Arranged by Head of Department 5653 51 Placed at lowest standard discount for this quantity of this ware 1785 00 Competitive 1260 00 Competitive RELEASE OF RIGHT OF WAY ACROSS ALEDO EXPERIMENT FARM (27) A t the March meeting of the Board (Minutes, page 151) it was stated that the oral approval of the donor of the Experiment Field at Aledo had been secured for the location of a State Highway through the tract. T h e Board granted this right of w a y subject to the receipt of a release from the donor. Under direction of the Legal Counsel, this was done by securing a dedication of the right of w a y signed by the original grantor as well as by the President and Secretary of the Board. This dedication has been handed by m e to the Secretary of the Board with the request that he or the Comptroller have it recorded, the report of that action to be m a d e to the Board for record. T h e land is in part of the southeast quarter of Section 18, T o w n ship 14 North1 Range 3 West. T h e original grantors are Archie G . Bridgford and Mollie T. Bridgford. A s stated above, these join with the President and Secretary in granting this right of way. T h i s report w a s received for record. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON CARTER-PENNELL. FARMS (28) A meeting of the Committee on the Carter-Pennell farms, consisting of Deans Mumford and Ketchum, Professor Ruth Wardall of the Department of H o m e Economics, and the President of the University, was held in the President's Office on April 9. Dean Mumford, Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station, presented the report for the year ending February 28, 1929. The Committee examined this report and approved it for transmission to the Board of Trustees. I submit it herewith, and recommend that it be referred to the Committee on Agriculture for examination and report. O n motion of M r . Trees, this report w a s referred to the C o m mittee on Agriculture for examination a n d report.